MYRIANTHEUS, Laurentios (Λαυρέντιος Μυριανθεύς). 18?? — 1???. Cypriote Scholar. From Lefkosia (Nicosia), educated at Rhizareios Ekklêsiastikê Scholê (in Athens). Studies at Munich under W. Christ and Haug. Ph.D. (between 1870-73). In 1875/76 returned to Cyprus, and was apparently known as a linguist in Greece and Cyprus, but not important enough to be mentioned in encyclopaedias or Internet.

Publications: Diss.(?) Die Marschlieder des griechischen Drama. 141 p. Munich 1873.

Die Açvins oder arischen Dioskuren. 32+187 p. Munich 1876.

A comprehensive phraseological English-ancient and modern Greek lexicon. Founded upon a manuscript of G. P. Lascarides and compiled by L. Myriantheus. 1-2. 11+1338 p. L. 1882.

Sources: Weber briefly in his review of Die Açwins in the Indische Streifen. 3; briefly mentioned in Mega Hell. Biogr. Lexikon 3, 114 (under a schoolmate).

Last Updated on 2 years by Admin


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