CAMPBELL, William. 1799 — 1878.  Rev. British Missionary in India. From c. 1823-35 twelve years in India (Bangalore), working for London Missionary Society, then returned to the U.K. In there is one W.C., born in Edinburgh 1799, death unknown, son of the elder William C. and Prudence Mackay, married…

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BUSLAEV, Fëdor Ivanovič

BUSLAEV, Fëdor Ivanovič. Kerensk (now Vadinsk in obl. Penza) 13.(25.)5.1818 — Ljubino near Moscow 31.7.(12.8.)1897. Russian IE and Slavonic Linguist. Educated in Kerensk and Penza. From 1834 studies of Russian linguistics at Moscow, magistr 1843. In 1838 travelled in Germany, Italy and France. In 1841-47 gymnasium teacher in Moscow, the…

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BAADER, Theodor

BAADER, Theodor Ludger Josef Anna Maria. Münster 25.4.1888 — Hiltrup, Westfalen 16.4.1959. German Linguist. Ph.D. 1913 Münster (diss. on local dialect). From 1923 Professor of Germanic and Celtic Languages at Nijmegen, taught there until 1944. A militant catholic and Nazi sympathizer he fled before the allied forces to Münster, where…

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FADDEGON, Barend (Bernard). Amsterdam 9.7.1874 — Ede (Gelderland) 28.6.1955. Dutch Indologist. Professor in Amsterdam. Son of Barend Abraham F., a watchmaker, and Sophia Elisabeth Laugeman, grew up in Amsterdam. Studies of Dutch at Amsterdam (Uhlenbeck), then Indology at Leiden under Kern and Speyer. Ph.D. 1906 Leiden. From 1907 PD, 1908…

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WOODTHORPE, Robert Gosset

WOODTHORPE, Robert Gosset. Purfleet, Essex 22.9.1844 (or 26.5.) — 28.10.1920 (niceartgallery, others say 1898}.  British Colonial Officer in India, Explorer and Amateur Artist. Major-General. In 1865 joined Royal Engineers, soon to India. In 1871-72 surveyed Lushai Hills, then Garo and Naga Hills. In 1885 led an expedition from Upper Assam…

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WOODBURNE, Angus Stewart

WOODBURNE, Angus Stewart. London, Ontario 1.9.1881 — Madurai 13.2.1938. Rev. Canadian Missionary in India. Son of Thomas W. and Anne Elizabeth Cathro. Studies at McMaster in Toronto (B.A. 1906, M.A. 1910) and University of Chicago (B.D. 1917, Ph.D. 1918). Ordained Baptist minister in 1906. In 1906-14 missionary in India. In…

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WOLLASTON, Arthur Naylor

WOLLASTON, Arthur Naylor. Beulah Hill, Norwood, Surrey 14.10.1842 — Walmer, Kent 8.2.1922. Sir.  British Oriental Scholar. Son of Henry Francis W. and Elizabeth Naylor. Educated at Stockwell Grammar School. In 1859 (when only 16) joined Political Department of India Office, worked under John Kaye, later moved to Revenue, Statistic and…

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WIRZ, Paul

WIRZ, Paul. Moscow 29.5.1892 — Ulopu, Maprik, Papua New Guinea 30.1.1955. Swiss Ethnologist. Born of Swiss parents in Russia, son of Jakob Wirz (1856–1904), a businessman, and Louise Nidecker. School in Moscow and Zürich. Studied physics and chemistry at Technische Hochschule in Zürich, but soon turned to Ethnology. Ph.D. 1920.…

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WILSER, Ludwig

WILSER, Ludwig. Karlsruhe 5.10.1850 — Heidelberg 19.11.1923. German Physician and Racist Theoretician. Gymnasium in Karlsruhe, medical studies at Freiburg, Heidelberg and Leipzig. Dr.Med. Then practising physician in Karlsruhe until 1897, when he moved to Heidelberg and lived there as private scholar. He was interested in craniometry and had relations both…

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WIDGERY, Alban Gregory. Bloxwich, Staffordshire 9.5.1887 — Winchester, Va. 22.3.1968. British Scholar of Religion in the U.S.A. Son of Rev. John Thomas Widgery and Ellen Thomas. Studies at Cambridge (St.Catharine’s College, B.A. 1908, M.A. 1912). From 1908-10 taught at Bristol University, 1910-12 further studies at Marburg, Jena and Sorbonne. Then…

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