WOODTHORPE, Robert Gosset. Purfleet, Essex 22.9.1844 (or 26.5.) — 28.10.1920 (niceartgallery, others say 1898}. British Colonial Officer in India, Explorer and Amateur Artist. Major-General. In 1865 joined Royal Engineers, soon to India. In 1871-72 surveyed Lushai Hills, then Garo and Naga Hills. In 1885 led an expedition from Upper Assam to the Irawadi and back.
Publications: The Lushai expedition, 1871-1872. 6+338 p. ill. L. 1873.
– “Notes on the Wild Tribes Inhabiting the So-Called Naga Hills, on Our North-East Frontier of India”, JRAnthrInst 11, 1882, 56-73, 196-214.
– The AKA Expedition. 35 p. 1899.
Sources: www.britishmuseum.org/collection/term/BIOG180871; niceartgallery.com.
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