NEUMANN, Michael

NEUMANN, Michael. 1??? — ????. Austrian Student of Indology. Ph.D. 1927 Vienna. Publications: Diss. Der Vṛtra-Kampf in der indischen Literatur. Manuscript, Vienna 1927. Sources: diss. in Janert.

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NEUMANN, Käthe. Berlin 14.7.1903 — Emmerich am Rhein 14.8.1989. German Scholar of Religion and former Student of Indology. Daughter of Otto Neumann and his wife Minna. Studies of Germanistics and Indology at Greifswald and Berlin, then comparative religion at Marburg. Ph.D. 1933 Marburg (under Nobel). From 1937 Assistant at Marburg…

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NECKEL, Hannah

NECKEL, Hannah. 18?? — 19??. According to her only known publication she was “Frau in Heidelberg.” Most probably she was Hannah Neckel (née von Wink). Wismar 23.4.1881 — Berlin 22.2.1968. She married 1904 Dr. Gustav Neckel, who was then Oberlehrer in Breslau until 1911, from 1909 also PD at Breslau…

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MITTELBERGER, Hermann. Klagenfurt 25.1.1935 — Treibach-Althofen, Kärnten 13.5.2004. Austrian IE Scholar. Professor in Graz. School in Klagenfurt, from 1953 studies of classics, IE and Sanskrit at Vienna. Ph.D. 1962  Vienna. In 1957-62 Assistant of Indology at Vienna, then briefly at Utrecht. From 1964 Assistant, from 1969 also PD at Würzburg.…

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MELLING, David John. 194? — 13.9.2004 (when 61). British philosopher working on Greek and Indian Philosophy. Senior Research Fellow at Manchester Metropolitan University, teaching also Indian philosophy there. Publications: Wrote on Plato and on Christian thought. Sources:Indology List 20.9.2004; publications only in Internet.

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MARSCHNER, Käthe. 1904 — ????. German Student of Indology. Pupil of Strauss in Breslau. Ph.D. there 1933 (under O. Strauss). Publications:diss. Zur Verfasserfrage des dem Śaṁkarācārya zugeschriebenen Bṛhadāraṇyakopa­niṣad-Bhāṣya. 5+86 p. Breslau 1933. Sources: Nothing found except the diss.; birth year in Hathitrust catalogue.

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MAKAEV, Ènver Ahmedovič

MAKAEV, Ènver Ahmedovič. Moscow 28.5.1916 — Moscow 31.3.2004. Russian IE and Germanic Linguist. Graduated from German department at Moscow 1937, taught there 1938-60. Kand. filol. nauk 1940. Dr. filol. nauk 1964 (diss. on German). In 1954-76 worked in German section of Linguistic Institute of Soviet Academy. Professor 1971. Publications: Edited:…

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LYSEBETH, André van

LYSEBETH, André van. Brussels 11.10.1919 — Perpignan 28.1.2004  (France). Belgian Yoga Instructor and Author. From 1949 pupil of Swami Sivananda (whom he only met in person in 1963). Married, children. Publications: Tantra, le culte de la féminité. 1988; English transl. Tantra: the cult of the feminine. 13+386 p. York Beach,…

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LUKONIN, Vladimir Grigor’evič

LUKONIN, Vladimir Grigor’evič. Leningrad 21.1.1932 — Leningrad 10.9.1984. Russian Art Historian of Iran (Sasanid Period). Son of an army general, mother a physician. Grew up in Leningrad, in 1941-44 in Samarkand. Studied at Leningrad Oriental Faculty. Graduated in 1955 from Leningrad University (Oriental Faculty). Kand. ist. nauk 1961, Dr. ist.…

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LINDEGGER, Peter. 1933 — Winterthur 11.12.2004. Swiss Classical and Tibetan Scholar. Educated in Aarau, after secondary school became a graphic designer and lithographer, but also continued his formal education matriculating in 1956. Then studies of classical philology. Worked as schoolteacher in Aarau and from 1965 in Winterthur. Since 1963 took…

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