FINZI, Felice

FINZI, Felice. Correggio (Reggio Emilia) 1847 — Florence 3.9.1872. Italian (Jewish) Ethnologist and Assyriologist. Studies of law at Bologna, dr.iuris c. 1867. From 1869 libero docente di assiriologia at Regio Istituto di Studii Superiori in Florence. Knew also Hebrew and Sanskrit. Married, two sons. Together with Paolo Mantegazza he founded the…

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SHIRT, George

SHIRT, George. Cawthorne, Yorkshire 1843 — Quetta 16.6.1886. Rev. British Missionary in India. Son of the elder George Shirt (1813–1896) and his wife Sarah (1811–1848). Educated at C. M. S. College in London, studies at Cambridge (B.A. 1864). Left for India in 1866 and worked for Church Missionary Society in…

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TRUMPP, Ernst.

TRUMPP, Ernst T. Ilsfeld, Württemberg 13.3.1828 — Munich 5.4.1885. German Missionary and Indologist. Professor in Munich. Son of carpenter Georg Thomas Trumpp (1790–1885) and Sara Bader. After gymnasium in Heilbronn studied at Tübingen (Ewald), passed theological examination in 1848. Even now also studied Arabic and Sanskrit under Ewald and Roth.…

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LEECH, Robert

LEECH, Robert. 7.12.1813 — Ambala 2.9.1845. British Colonial Officer in India. Engineer Major, Bombay Engineers, in 1836, still as Lieutenant, Assistant of Burnes, served in Afghanistan until 1842. Then Assistant Agent in Ambala. Unmarried. Publications: “Epitome of the Grammar of the Brahuiky, the Balochky, and the Panjabi languages”, JASB 7, 1838,…

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BRAY, Denys de Saumarez

BRAY, Denys de Saumarez. Aberdeen 29.11.1875 — Winchester 19.11.1951. British Civil Servant in India, a Scholar of Baluchistan and its Languages (Brahui). Son of Rev. Thomas William Bray and Rachel Le Mesurier. Educated at the Realgymnasium in Stuttgart and Blundell’s School in Tiverton, then at the Balliol College, Oxford. In 1898…

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BORK, Ferdinand A.

BORK, Ferdinand A. Forsthaus bei Königsbruch, Kr. Tuchel, Westpreussen (now in Poland) 26.11.1871 — Benhausen, Paderborn 28.2.1962. German Scholar of Ancient Near East, also interested in Indo-Iranian. Parents forester Ferdinand Bork and Ottilie Zimmermann. Gymnasium in Marienburg (West Prussia), matriculated 1892. Studies of geography and languages at Königsberg, until 1896.…

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