MUS, Paul

MUS, Paul Léon Joseph. Bourges (Cher) 1.6.1902 — Murs (Vaucluse) 9.8.1969. French Art Historian, Sociologist and Indologist. Professor in Paris. Son of a protestant couple of teachers, in 1907 the family moved to Vietnam (English Wikipedia Hanoi, French Saigon). Studies in Paris under Lévi, Mauss, Pelliot, etc., of Sanskrit, Chinese,…

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MURPHY, Robert Xavier

MURPHY, Robert Xavier. 1803 — Kingstown, Dublin 26.2.1857. Irish Teacher, Journalist, Classical and Oriental Scholar in India. “He went out to Bombay as a master under the Bombay Native Education Society [1826 already there]; a classical scholar and quick acquiring Oriental languages. Edited the Bombay Gazette, 1834. Acted, 1839, as…

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MUNK, Salomon

MUNK, Salomon. Gross-Glogau, Silesia (now Glogów, Poland) 2.5.1802 — Paris 5/6.2.(14.5.?)1867. German Oriental Scholar in France. Professor in Paris. Born in a Jewish family in Prussian Silesia, son of a poor synagogue servant, Lippmann Samuel Munk, educated at Rabbinical school in Gross-Glogau and in Berlin. Despite of poverty succeeded to…

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MUIR, John

MUIR, John. Glasgow 5.2.1810 — Edinburgh 7.3.1882. British (Scottish) Indologist in India (1829-54) and in Edinburgh. Son of William Muir (1783–1820), a merchant, and Helen Macfie (1784–1866), elder brother of Sir William Muir (1819–1905) who also served in India and was a well-known scholar of Arabic and Islam. Educated at…

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MÜLLER-HESS, Eduard (until 1882 E. Müller). Berlin 14.4.1853 — Bern 9.7.1923. German Indologist in Switzerland. Professor in Bern. Son of Captain Eduard Müller and Valérie Geigy (Swiss from Basel). After school in Berlin studies of Indology and comparative linguistics at Berlin, Tübingen and Leipzig. Ph.D. 1874 Leipzig. In 1877-80 Goldschmidt’s…

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MÜLLER, Reinhold F. G.

MÜLLER, Reinhold Franz Gustav. Berlin 16.4.1882 — Einsiedel bei Chemnitz 2.2.1966. German (East) Indologist and Physician. Son of a Gustav Müller (1851–1941), a schoolteacher. Grew up in Berlin, often spent summers in Innsbruck. In 1902-07 studies of medicine at Berlin and Innsbruck, then Assistant at Greifswald until 1911. 1909…

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MÜLLER, Marcus Joseph

MÜLLER, Marcus Joseph. Kempten 3.6.1809 — Munich 28.3.1874. German Oriental (Arabic) Scholar, Pioneer of Pahlavi Philology. Professor in Munich. Son of a gymnasium teacher. Gymnasium in Augsburg. Studies at Munich under O. Frank, then worked as schoolteacher. Further studies in Paris from 1833, where he also learned Pahlavi, copied Anquetil-Duperron’s…

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MÜLLER, Friedrich Wilhelm Karl. Neudamm near Frankfurt a.d. Oder 21.1.1863 — Berlin 18.4.1930. German Central Asian Scholar. Museum Director in Berlin. In 1873 the family moved to Berlin, where he attended Französisches Gymnasium (as also Le Coq), and from 1883 studied at Berlin University theology and Oriental languages (under Sachau…

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MÜLLER, Friedrich Max. Dessau 6.12.1823 — Oxford 28.10.1900. German Indologist, Linguist and Scholar of Comparative Religion in England. Professor in Oxford. Son of the poet Wilhelm Müller (1794–1827) and Adelheid Basedow (1800–1883), grew up in the small Saxonian principality of Anhalt-Dessau. After Nikolaischule in Leipzig (1836-41) studied classical philology at…

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MÜLLER, Friedrich

MÜLLER, Friedrich. Jemnick (Jemníky), Kr. Butzlau, Bohemia (Czech) 6.3.1834 — Vienna 25.5.1898. Austrian Indo-Iranian Scholar and Linguist. Professor in Vienna. Born in a poor family in Bohemia, where his father, Friedrich Müller, was the chemist of a small sulphuric acid factory, grew up in Rotz, Niederösterreich. His mother was Ursula…

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