LUPTON, Walter

LUPTON, Walter James Edwin. Clapham, Surrey 30.5.1871 — Oxford 27.11.1955. British Civil Servant in India. Educated at City of London School, studies at London University and New College, Oxford (B.A. 1893). Joined I.C.S. and served in United Provinces in 1895-1920. Later Secretary of the Oxfordshire Division Medical War Committee 1939-47.…

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LUMSDEN, Matthew

LUMSDEN, Matthew. 1777 — Cheltenham, Gloucester (B) or Tooting Common, Surrey (G & W) 18.3. or 31.3.1835. British (Scottish) Civil Servant and Oriental Scholar in India. Son of John L., cousin of —> Harry Burnett L. Educated at King’s College, Old Aberdeen. Came to India in 1794 in E.I.C.’s service,…

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LULIUS VAN GOOR, Maria Elisabeth. Gouda 5.9.1866 — Leiden 2.7.1929. Dutch Indologist (Pāli Scholar). Daughter of Dirk L. van G. (1842–1882), a publisher, who supported women’s higher education, and Elisabeth Romijn. In 1881-85 she was the first female student admitted to the Hogere Burger Highschool. But the father died in…

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LÜDERS, Heinrich

LÜDERS, Heinrich Friedrich Ludwig Christian. Lübeck 25.6.1869 — Badenweiler, Breisgau-Hochschwarzwald 7.5.1943. German Indologist. Professor in Berlin. Husband of —> Else Lüders. Son of a factory owner, Friedrich Lüders and Hedwig Heym, he went to school and matriculated in 1888 from Katharineum in Lübeck. After one term of Germanic studies at…

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LÜDERS, Else (née Peipers). Göttingen 20.10.1880 — Berlin 13.3.1945. German Indologist. Wife of —> Heinrich Lüders. Daughter of David Peipers (1838–1912), Professor of Philosophy at Göttingen. From 1900 engaged to marry Heinrich Lüders, who also soon became her teacher in Sanskrit. After marriage she assisted her husband in his Mahābhārata…

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LUDWIG, Alfred

LUDWIG, Alfred. Vienna 9.10.1832 — Prague 12.6.1912. Austrian Indologist. Professor in Prague. Son of Johannes L., a teacher of French, and Ludowika Köckh, grew up in Vienna, matriculated from Akademisches Gymnasium. From 1852 studies of classical philology, IE linguistics and Sanskrit at Vienna (under Boller) and in 1855-57 at Berlin…

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LUBER, Alois

LUBER, Alois Adam August. Salzburg 28.8.1847 — Salzburg 20.6.1924. Austrian Teacher and Classical Scholar. Son of civil servant Ludwig Luber (d. 1850) and Josefa Wirl. Ph.D. 1870. Gymnasium Professor in Salzburg and from c. 1874 in Görz (now Gorizia), teaching history and geography. From 1881 Bezirksschulinspektor in St.Johann im Pongau…

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LOVE, Martha Lile

LOVE, Martha Lile. 1950? — 1979. Canadian (?) Student of Indology. Daughter of Donald Drewry L. and Shirley C. Atkins. In 1977/78 at Toronto University, then further studies in Pune. Died as graduate student working on “the Sphoṭa Theory of the Vaiyākaraṇas”. Publications: With B. S. Gillon: “Indian Logic revisited: Nyāyapraveśa…

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LOVARINI, Emilio. Vicenza (or Lovadina) 7.4.1866 — Lovadina, Treviso 31.1.1955. Italian Philologist interested in Indology. Graduated from Padova in 1889 with Indological dissertation. Schoolteacher in Ragusa, Catanzaro, Taranto and from 1895 in Cesena. From 1900 Docent of Italian Literature at Bologna University and teacher of the same in R. Liceo…

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LOTTNER, Carl Friedrich. Berlin 20.6.1834 — Dublin 5.4.1873. German Celtic and IE Linguist in Ireland. Professor in Dublin. Son of general counsel, Justizrat Franz August L. (1796–1836) and Juliane Sander. After school and Gymnasium in Berlin studied in 1851-54 at Berlin under Bopp and Grimm. Worked as schoolteacher, then in…

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