DIEHL, Carl Gustav

DIEHL, Carl Gustav Ruben. Malmö 21.9.1906 — Lund 1/2.5.1995. Swedish Lutheran Missionary, Bishop, and Scholar of South Indian Religion. Son of Anders Diehl, a house manager, and Emma Andersson, matriculated from Malmö in 1925. From 1925 studies of theology at Lund, teol.kand. 1929, ordained as priest in 1930. Missionary of…

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DEVÈZE, Gérard

DEVÈZE, Gérard. Nîmes 5.8.1856 — 19??. French Journalist (?) interested in Sanskrit, Tamil and Urdū. At É.L.O.V. student of Vinson, diplome of Tamil (1885) and of Hindūstānī (1891), also diplome of É.P.H.É. (in Sanskrit?). Editor of Magasin pittoresque in Paris (1917). Publications: “Une légende çivaiste d’après une version de l’Inde…

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DE’ NOBILI, Roberto

DE’ NOBILI DE MONTEPULCIANO, Roberto (Robertus de Nobilibus, Tattuvapodagar [‑pōtakar]). Montepulciano near Siena 1577 — Mailapur (Chennai) 16.1.1656. S.J. Italian Missionary in South India. Born of a family of high nobility (related to the Duke of Modena), joined the S.J. in 1597. Studies of theology in Naples and Rome. In…

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DE MAGISTRIS, Hyacinthus

DE MAGISTRIS, Hyacinthus (Giaccinto). near Cremona 1605 — Goa 11.11.1668. S.J. Pater. Italian Missionary in India. Entered S.J. in 1626. After 7 years’ studies of humanities in Italy left for India for the rest of his life. Worked in Cranganore, South India (in 1644-49 secretary and confessor of the Archbishop),…

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DANIÉLOU, Alain (nom-de-plume Shiva Sharan). Neuilly-sur-Seine (Seine) 4.10.1907 — Lonay, Switzerland 27.1.1994. French Musicologist deeply interested in India. Son of Charles D. (1878–1953), an anticlerical Breton journalist and politician, and Madeleine Clamorgan, an ardent catholic, his brother Jean D. (1905–1974) was a jesuit and cardinal. Educated at Institution de Sainte-Croix…

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COSTA, Baltasar da

COSTA, Baltasar da. Aldeia Nova (Guarda) 1613 — on sea 21.4.1673. S.J. Father. Portuguese Missionary in India. Joined S.J. in 1627 and, despite of his poor health, was sent to India according to his own eager wish in 1635. From 1640 worked 35 years at Madurai Mission and, unlike —>…

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COLLINS, Mark. Brighton 28.12.1866 — 193?. British Indologist in India. Educated at Brighton Grammar School. In 1881-86 in business, then teacher at a private school preparing himself for matriculation examination, which he passed at University of London in 1888. In 1892 B.A. there. At the same time taught at Brighton…

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CŒURDOUX, Gaston-Laurent. Bourges 18.10.1691 (or 18.12.?) — Pondichéry 15.6.1779. S.J. French Missionary Priest and Pioneer of Indology in India. Joined the S.J. in 1715, ordained 1725, left for South India 1732, and served in Madurai Mission in 1732-73, in 1744-51 as the superior of the mission. After the suppression of…

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CLAYTON, Albert Charles

CLAYTON, Albert Charles. St.Helens, Merseyside 1869 — 1956. Rev. British Methodist Missionary in South India, a Tamil Scholar. Educated in Hull and Liverpool, studies at University College, London. In 1934 apparently still in Madras, in 1941 living in Bournemouth, England. Publications: “The Paraiyan, and the Legend of Nandan”, Madras Govt.…

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CHANDLER, John Scudder. Madurai, Tamil Nadu 12.4.1849 — Kodaikanal, Tamil Nadu 19.6.1934. U.S. Missionary and Tamil scholar. Son of John Eddy Chandler, a missionary, and Charlotte Maria Hopkins. After Hopkins Grammar School studies at Yale (B.A. 1870) and Yale Divinity School (B.D.). Priest ordination in 1873. He served as the…

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