GALTON, Herbert

GALTON, Herbert (until 1947 H. Goldstaub). Vienna 1.10.1917 — Vienna 9.12.2004. Austrian Linguist in the U.K. and U.S.A. Born of Polish Jewish parents from Lemberg (L’viv). School and from 1935 studies at Vienna (Slavic under Trubetzkoy, also Sanskrit under Geiger). In 1938 escaped to the Netherlands, then 1939 to U.K. Soon…

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ZALOSCER, Hilde (Zaloszer). Tuzla, Austro-Hungarian empire (now in Bosnia-Hercegovina) 15.6.1903 — Vienna 20.12.1999. Austrian Art Historian and Egyptologist. Professor in Alexandria, Egypt. Daughter of a Jewish lawyer, Jacob Z. and Bertha Kallach. The family moved in 1918 to Vienna, where she then studied prehistory and art history. Ph.D. 1926 Vienna. In…

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WACHSBERGER, Arthur. Troppau, Silesia (now Opava in Czech) 7.5.1891 — Haifa 1943. Austrian  Art Historian and Architect. Son of a Jewish merchant. After school in Troppau studied at Vienna. Ph.D. 1914 Vienna (under Strzygowski). Moved to Köln, worked as Assistant in Museum für Ostasiatische Kunst. Served in WW I as…

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STOLZ, Friedrich

STOLZ, Friedrich. Hall in Tyrol 29.7.1850 — Innsbruck 13.7.1915.  Austrian IE Linguist. Professor in Innsbruck. Son of Joseph Stolz, a psychiatrist. From 1868 studied classics at Innsbruck under Jülg et al., 1871-72 at Leipzig (Curtius). From 1872 teacher in Graz. Ph.D. 1872 Graz. Then teacher in Klagenfurt. PD 1879 Innsbruck.…

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SPRINGER (Sprenger), Balthasar

SPRINGER (Sprenger), Balthasar. Vils, Ausserfern, Tyrol 14?? — 1509/11. Austrian Traveller in service of Welser trading house of Augsburg. Probably son of Johannes (Hans) Spr. who was in service of the local prince, and Anastasia Steidlin (?). Very little is known of Balthasar’s own life. In Welser service he went…

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KVERGIĆ,  Feodor

KVERGIĆ,  Hermann Feodor (Kvergic). Bratislava 24.6.1895 — 1948/49. Austrian Iranian and Turkic scholar. A Serbian from Bratislava, son of György Kvergič and Hermina Doseri. Gymnasium in Graz, then studied Oriental languages and medicine at Vienna and Graz. Ph.D. 1927 Vienna. Travels in Afghanistan, Iran and Turkey. From at least 1938 apparently living…

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JETTMAR, Karl Josef. Vienna 8.8.1918 — Heidelberg 28.3.2002. Austrian Anthropologist in Germany, famous Specialist of North Pakistan. Son of Rudolf J. (1869–1939), an Art Nouveau painter, and Maria Mayer, grew up in Vienna. Roman Catholic.  Began studies of history and German at Vienna in 1936, soon turned to anthropology (i.a. under…

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GEIGER, Alfred

GEIGER, Alfred. 1??? — 19??. Ph.D. 1934, student of philosopher Othmar Spann at Vienna. In his diss. he took very favourable view of the caste system, following his teacher’s preference for strong leadership and hierarchical structure. Publications: Rev. diss. Die indoarische Gesellschaftsordnung. 16+223 p. Tübingen 1935. Sources: Nothing found about…

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WELLESZ, Emmy (née Emilia Franziska Stross) .Vienna 8.1.1889 — Vienna 13.6.1987. Austrian Art Historian. Daughter of Ludwig Stross, a cloth dealer, and Vilma Propper, a Jewish family. From 1907 studied art history at Vienna. Married 1908 Egon Wellesz (1885–1974), a composer and musicologist. The birth of two daughters (1909, 1912) interrupted…

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TOMASCHEK, Wilhelm (Vilém Tomášek). Olmütz, Moravia (now Olomouc in Czech) 26.5.1841 — Vienna 9.9.1901. Austrian (Czech) Geographer and Oriental Scholar. Son of gymnasium teacher Johann Adolf T. (d. 1849), a German family with Czech name. Gymnasium in Vienna. Studies of classical philology, linguistics, history and geography at Vienna 1860-64, then gymnasium…

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