SCHOTSMAN-WOLFERS, Janine. Brussels 1924 — 17.3.1991. Belgian Art Historian. Daughter of Marcel Wolfers and Claire Petrucci da Siena. She was the Head of India and S.E. Asia department of Royal Museums of Art History in Brussels. Married with Jean-Pierre Schotsman (1922–2007). Publications: A few articles about Indian art and specimens…

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SOLVYNS, François Balthazar

SOLVYNS, François Balthazar (Frans Balthazar Solvijns). Antwerpen 1760 — Antwerpen 10.10.1824. Belgian Artist in India. Son of Maximiliaan Solvyns, a merchant, and Maria Elisabeth Abeloos. Art studies in Antwerp and Paris. “Showed genius at 12, drew sea-pieces. Patronized by the Arch-duchess Maria Christina till her death. Accompanied Sir Home Popham…

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SMET, Richard V. de

SMET, Richard V. de. Montignies-sur-Sambre near Charleroi 16.4.1916 — Brussels 2.3.1997. Father. S.J. Belgian Missionary and Indologist. Came to India in 1946 as a Jesuit student, studied Theology and then also Sanskrit in Calcutta ( under R. Antoine). Ph.D. 1954 Gregorian Pontifical University, Rome, in Philosophy. Back in India, from…

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SCHARPÉ, Adriaan A. M.

SCHARPÉ, Adriaan Alberik Maria. Leuven 29.10.1913 — 7.3.1986. Belgian Indologist. Professor in Gent and Amsterdam. Son of Lodewijk (Louis) Sharp (1869–1935), Professor of German, and Esther Legein (1867–1922). Studies of Classics 1931-37 at Leuven, Ph.D. 1937/38, also studies 1934-39 at Utrecht, Ph.D. 1937 under Gonda. In 1939-42 schoolteacher of classics…

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WINDEKENS, Albert Joris van. Mountain-Ash, Wales 23.4.1915 — Leuven 28.3.1989. Belgian Linguist. Professor in Louvain. Born in the U.K., after the war family returned to Belgium. Studies under Carnoy at Louvain, then under Filliozat in Paris. Dr. en philologie classique 1939, Dr. en philol. & histoire orientales 1941. From 1944…

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WAGENER, Auguste

WAGENER, Auguste. Roermund (Netherlands) 8.6.1829 — Gand (Ghent) 14.5.1896. Belgian Classical Philologist. Professor in Ghent. Born in the Netherlands, son of Jan-Baptist Wagener, a teacher of Luxemburgian origin, and Catherine Reuter, educated in Roermund. In 1845-49 studied at Bonn Classics (Ritschl) and Sanskrit (Lassen). Ph.D. 1849 Bonn. A second doctorate,…

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VILLE, Frans de

VILLE, Frans de. 1??? — 19??. Belgian Schoolteacher interested in Indology. Called Professor, probably ar a school. Perhaps he is the same F. de Ville whom mentions as born in Zandbergen 31.1.1877 and married with Maria Finantia Lafourt. Publications: Transl. Çakuntalâ. 94 p. Coll. Lebégue 3:31. Bruxelles 1943; Une…

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ORVILLE, Albert d’

ORVILLE, Albert d’ (Le Comte d’Orville, Dorville). Brussels 12.8.1621 — Agra 8.4.1662. S.J. Belgian Missionary. Son of a nobleman, Louis Le Comte, seigneur d’Orville, and Anna Hellincx. Joined Jesuits in 1646 and studied at Ingolstadt and Louvain. He volunteered to China Mission and was ordained in 1654, then prepared in…

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NÈVE, Félix

NÈVE, Félix-Jean-Baptiste-Joseph. Ath 13.6.1816 — Leuven 23.5.1893. Belgian Indologist and Oriental Scholar. Professor in Louvain (Leuven). Son of merchant Auguste Nève and Marie Delwarde, family moved early to Lille where he went to school. From 1834 among the first students at Louvain, just reestablished as a Catholic French-speaking university (first…

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MONSEUR, Eugène Henri Guillaume Edgard. Liège 17.9.1860 — Brussels 6.12.1912. Belgian Indologist, Linguist and Folklorist. Professor in Brussels. Son of an armorer, lost his father in the age of six and mother in 12, and was in care of aunts. Educated at Jesuit school and Athenaeum of Liège. Dr. en…

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