LENZ, Robert

LENZ, Robert (Robert Hristianovič Lenc). Dorpat (Tartu) 23.1./4.2.1808 — St. Petersburg 30.7./11.8.1836. Russian (German from Estonia) Indologist. Son of Christian Lenz (1770–1817), the secretary of municipal council of Dorpat, and Luise Elisabeth Wolff (d. 1830), brother of the physicist Academician Heinrich Emil Lenz (1804–1865). After Gymnasium in Dorpat in 1820-24…

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GLEHN, Edmund Theophil de (von)

GLEHN, Edmund Theophil de (von). Reval (Tallinn) 3.1.1800 — Ibid. 20.1.1884. Baltic German Physician interested in India. Son of Peter von Glehn (1751–1823), a merchant, and Mary/Margaretha Elisabeth Clayhills. Dr.med. Worked as Court Medicus for the Czar in St.Petersburg and collaborated with —> R. Lenz. Married Emilie Auguste Rosenbaum (1820–1894),…

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