GODDEN, Gertrude M.

GODDEN, Gertrude Mary. Surbiton, Surrey 17.7.1867 — Burgess Hill, Sussex 15.2.1947. British Anthropological Writer. Roman Catholic. She was an armchair anthropologist who never visited India. Publications: “Naga and Other Frontier Tribes of North-East India”, JRAnthrInst 26, 1897, 161-201 & 27, 1898, 2-51; articles in Folk-Lore. – Also wrote much on modern history and politics.…

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GILLINGS, James. Norwich, Norfolk 15.11.1822 — 1897. Rev. BritishMethodist Missionary in Sri Lanka. In 1844-50 Superintendent of English school in Batticaloa, then returned on health reasons to the U.K. Retired and moved to Coonoor (Kuṉṉūr) in South India. Publications: “On the Veddahs of Bintenne”, JRAS-CB2:3 (7), 1853, 83-89. Sources: Scanty stray notes in…

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GELL, Alfred

GELL, Alfred Antony Francis (born Antony Francis Gell). 12.6.1945 — 28.1.1997. British Social Anthropologist. Son of Professor Philip Gell (1914–2001), an Immunologist, and his wife Susan. Studies at Trinity College, Cambridge (M.Phil. under E. Leach) and London School of Economics (Ph.D. 1973 under R. Firth). Taught at University of Sussex, from…

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GASKOIN, Charles Jacinth Bellairs. Ealing, Middlesex 30.7.1873 — Kensington, Middlesex 24.3.1955. British Historian. Son of son of Herman G. and Catherine Maclear. Studies at Cambridge, B.A. 1898, M.A. 1902. In 1901-06 private tutor in Cambridge, 1907-16 Lecturer in History at Wren’s. War service on code department. In 1919-26 Professor of History and…

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GALLOWAY, Archibald

GALLOWAY, Archibald. Perth 12.2.1779 — London 6.4.1850. Sir. British (Scottish) Colonial Officer in India. Major-General. Son of James G. and Margaret Forester. Cadet 1799, joined Bengal Native Infantry in 1800, participated in the defence of Delhi 1804 and the siege of Bharatpur 1805. Colonel 1836, Major-General 1841. From 1840 one…

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FÜRER-HAIMENDORF, Elizabeth (Betty) von

FÜRER-HAIMENDORF, Elizabeth (Betty) von (née Barnardo). Darbhanga 1902 — Hyderabad 11.1.1987. British Anthropologist, wife of —> Chr. von Fürer-Haimendorf. Daughter of Colonel Frederick “Barnie” Barnardo, a physician, and his wife Violet. Originally a nurse, then close collaborator of her husband. Participated in fieldwork and was coauthor in many books. Married 1938, one son.…

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FROST, Andrew Hollingworth

FROST, Andrew Hollingworth. Sculcoates, Hull 26.4.1819 — Chesterton, Cambridgeshire 24.2.1907. British Missionary and Mathematician. Son of Charles Frost, a solicitor and antiquary, and Jane Hollingworth. From 1838 studies at Cambridge (St. John’s College), B.A. 1842, M.A. 1846. Teacher of mathematics in Manchester. Ordained deacon 1848, then curate in England. In…

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FOWLER, George M.

FOWLER, George M. Thatcham, Berkshire 1863? — 19??. British Civil Servant in Sri Lanka. Assistant Government Agent (1878), then Government Agent for Western Province (1900), finally Colonial Secretary. Retired 1907, 1912 living in Oxford. Publications: “The Paṇikkans of Muchalai”, JRAS-CB8:26, 1883, 13-17 (elephant catchers) .– “Translation of an Inscription at the Temple…

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FORSYTH, James. 1838 — London 1.5.1871. British Civil Servant in India. Educated in England. M.A. Joined I.C.S. in 1857. Assistant Conservator and Acting Conservator of Forests, then briefly Deputy Commissioner of Nimar under R. Temple. In 1862-64 made a great tour in Central India for Bengal Staff Corps. A keen…

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FLETCHER, William Kew

FLETCHER, William Kew. Gloucestershire 9.8.1802 — Worthing, West Sussex ?.12.1867. Rev. British Clergyman in India. Son of engineer Thomas Fl. and his wife Jane. M.A. Oxford (Magdalen College). For a while deaon in Lichfield, then in Bombay, 1832-66 chaplain in Byculla, then senior chaplain and Archdeacon. Married 1832 Maria Jane…

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