KROEBER, Alfred L.

KROEBER, Alfred Louis. Hoboken, NJ 11.6.1876 — Paris 9.10.1960. U.S. Cultural Anthropologist and Linguist. Son of German immigrants, Florenz Kr. and Anna Müller, grew up in New York City. Studies at Columbia College (B.A. 1896 in English, M.A. 1897 in Romantic drama). PG studies of anthropology under Franz Boas at…

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KLASS, Morton

KLASS, Morton. N.Y. 24.6.1927 — N.Y. 28.4.2001 (when 73). U.S. Anthropologist. Educated in New York, in 1945 joined U.S. Merchant Marine. Started writing fiction, but then was fascinated by Margaret Mead’s Samoan work and turned to anthropology. After three years’ studies graduated A.B. in 1955 from Brooklyn College (evening courses)…

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KITAGAWA, Joseph Mitsuo. Osaka 8.3.1915 — Chicago 7.10.1992. U.S. (Japanese-born) Scholar of Religion.  Born in a Christian Japanese family, his father was episcopal priest, grew up in Japan. Studied theology at Rikkyo University in Tokyo, graduated B.A. 1937. Now went to the U.S.A. for further theology studies at Berkeley. During…

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HOPKINS, Grace Sturtevant

HOPKINS, Grace Sturtevant. 14.7.1904 — Hamden, CT 12.3.2002. U.S. Student of IE Lin­guistics. Daughter of —> Edgar H. Sturtevant (1875–1952) and Elizabeth (Bessie) Skinner. Graduated 1924 from Vassar College. Ph.D. 1932 Yale. In 1931-62 living in New Jersey, then in Hamden, CT and Naples. Active in politics. Married Francis W.…

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HONIGMAN, John Joseph. Bronx, New York 7.6.1914 — 4.8.1977. U.S. Anthropologist. Associate Professor (1951). Married, two children. Publications: “Education and Career Specialization in a West Pakistan Village of Renown”, Anthropos 55, 1960, 825-840; “The Swat Pathans”, Anthropos 56, 1961, 941-946. – Edited: Handbook of Social and Cultural Anthropology. Chicago 1973. – Development of Anthropological Ideas. 434 p.…

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HITCHCOCK, John Thayer. Springfield, MA 29.6.1917 — Stoughton, Wisconsin 16.1.2001. U.S. Anthropologist. Professor at University of Wisconsin, Madison. Son of Arthur Cornwall H. and Ruth Harriet Thayer. B.A. 1939 Amherst College. M.A. 1941 University Chicago in English Literature. After war service as a pilot in Navy Instructor in English at Amherst…

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HIRSH, Marilyn

HIRSH, Marilyn. Chicago 1.1.1944 — New York City 17.10.1988. U.S. Art Historian, Illustrator and Author. Born in a Jewish family, her father owned a meat market. Graduated in art 1965 from Carnegie Mellon Institute. Several years teacher of English in India. Taught Indian and Buddhist art at Cooper Union and…

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HILDBURGH, Walter Leo. New York 30.3.1876 — London 25.11.1956. U.S. Art Collector and Traveller. Born in a wealthy immigrant family, son of Henry H. and Lillie Cornelia Rosenblatt. Ph.D. Columbia University (diss. on electricity). In 1900 began travels in Japan, China and India. He spent some time in Sri Lanka…

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HENCKEN, Hugh O’Neill. New York City 8.1.1902 — Cape Cod 31.8.1981.U.S. Archaeologist. Born to an Irish American family, son of Albert Charles Hencken and Mary Creighton Hencken. Studies at Princeton and Cambridge. Ph.D. 1929 Cambridge, in Archaeology. From 1932 to his retirement in 1972 Curator of European archaeology at the Peabody…

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HELLER, Louis G.

HELLER, Louis George. New York City 1927 — 1997. U.S. Linguist. The only son of Benjamin H. and Helen Edith Morse. Ph.D. Professor at the College of the City of New York. Married Alice, two daughters and two sons. Publications: Wrote on English, general linguistics (e.g. Parametric Linguistics. 78 p.…

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