HAY, Stephen N.

HAY, Stephen N. Philadelphia 4.10.1925 — Santa Barbara 25.3.2001. U.S. Historian. Educated at Deep Springs and Haverford Colleges, 1942-1944. In 1944-46 army service. Then studies at London School of Economics, 1946-47, and Harvard. B.A. 1951 Swarthmore College, M.A. 1953 Harvard, Ph.D. 1957 Harvard. In 1956-64 Instructor to Assistant Professor of…

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HALL, Robert A., Jr.

HALL, Robert Anderson, Jr. (born William Durham Hall). Raleigh, NC 4.4.1911 — Ithaca, NY 2.12.1997. U.S. Linguist. Son of R.A.H. Senior and Lolabel House. In 1919 the family moved to New York and he went to school in Brooklyn. Studies at Princeton (B.A. 1931) and Chicago (M.A. 1935). D.Litt. 1934 Rome.…

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HADAWAY, William Snelling

HADAWAY, William Snelling. Maiden, MA 1872 — ?.10.1941. U.S. Artist in India. Son of Ephraim Locke H. and Helen Agnes Noyes. Trained at School of the Museum of Fine Arts at Tufts University in Boston. Married 1893 Julia Peck, divorced 1895. In 1894-95 in Italy, then active in Boston art…

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GREENBERG, Joseph (Joe) H.

GREENBERG, Joseph (Joe) Harold. Brooklyn, New York 28.5.1915 — Stanford, Calif. 7.5.2001. U.S. Linguist. Born in a Jewish family, father of Polish (original surname Zyto) and mother of German origin. After Hebrew elementary school studied Latin and German at James Madison High School. From 1932 college studies at Columbia (B.A.…

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GOLDBERG (then H. Goldberg Skolnik), Helen

GOLDBERG (then Helen Goldberg Skolnik), Helen. 15.3.1901 — 8.2.1995. U.S. Anthropologist. Daughter of Isidore G. and his wife Getel. At Columbia University (1967). Married Morris Skolnik (1898–1983), one son. Publications: With Joan P. Mencher: “Kinship and Marriage Regulations Among the Namboodiri Brahmans of Kerala”, Man N.S. 2, 1967, 87-106. Sources: Scanty stray notes…

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GILBERT, William Harlen, Jr.

GILBERT, William Harlen, Jr. Covington, co. Kenton, Kentucky 1904 — Silverspring, co. Montgomery, Maryland 1988. U.S. Anthropologist. Ph.D. 1935 Chicago (diss. on Cherokees). In 1936-37 taught Sociology at Auburn University. Later working in Library of Congress. Publications: Peoples of India. 4+86 p. 21 pl. Smithsonian Inst. ‘War Background Studies’ 18. 1944; Caste…

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FURNESS, William Henry, III

FURNESS, William Henry, III. Wallingford, PA 10.8.1866 — 11.8.1920. U.S. Physician, Traveller and Ethnographer. Son of the Shakespearean scholar Horace Howard F. and Helen Kate Rogers (d. 1883). Educated at St.Paul’s School in Concord, NH. Studies at Harvard (B.A. 1988) and University of Pennsylvania, M.D. 1891. Together with Alfred C.…

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FIELD, Henry

FIELD, Henry. Chicago 15.12.1902 — Coral Gables, Florida 4.1.1986.U.S. Anthropologist. His parents divorced soon and his mother, Minna Field, married an Englishman, Algernon Burnaby, and they moved to Leicestershire. Educated at Sunningdale and Eton. Studies at Oxford: B.A. 1925, M.A. 1930, Ph.D. 1937. In 1926 returned to Chicago and worked…

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DIVER, William

DIVER, William. Chicago 20.7.1921 — Nantucket, MA 31.8.1995. U.S. Linguist. B.A. 1942 Lawrence College. In WW II served in U.S. Navy. M.A. Harvard, in English. Ph.D. Columbia University, in IE Linguistics. From 1965 taught at Columbia, finally as Professor, emeritus1989. He is known as the founder of the Columbia School…

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DIMOCK, Edward C., Jr.

DIMOCK, Edward Cameron, Jr. Roslindale, Boston 18.3.1929 — Centerville, Barnstable, MA 11.1.2001. U.S. Indologist, specialist of Bengali. Professor in Chicago. Educated at Roxbury, studies at Yale (B.A. 1950) and Harvard (S.T.B. 1953), ordained priest 1954. First studied architecture. Further S.T.M. 1954, Ph.D. 1959 Harvard (Ingalls). Taught at University of Chicago: 1959-61…

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