SIEGLING, Wilhelm. Erfurt 14.1.1880 — Berlin 22.1.1946. German Indologist and Tocharian Scholar. Research Scholar in Berlin. Educated in Erfurt and Eisleben. Studies of two terms at Halle, one term each at Heidelberg, Leipzig and Greifwald, then 1901-06 Sanskrit, Avestan and Tibetan at Berlin (Pischel). Ph.D. 1906 Berlin. On the advice…

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SIEG, Emil H.

SIEG, Emil Hermann. Breitenteich bei Angermünde, Uckermark, Brandenburg 12.8.1866 — Göttingen 23.1.1951. German Indologist and Tocharian Scholar. Professor in Kiel and Göttingen. Son of Hulius Ferdinand Sieg, a farmer and mill owner, and Malwine Stümke. Educated in Prenzlau. From 1885 studied classical philology at Berlin, then at Tübingen and Munich,…

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SIECKE, Ernst Ludwig Albert Karl. Spandau 19.1.1846 — 1935. German Indologist and IE Scholar. Schoolteacher in Berlin. After school and gymnasium in Spandau studied from 1864 IE Linguistics and Sanskrit at Berlin. He was the last student of Bopp, who taught him privately at home until his death, also attended…

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SEWELL, Robert

SEWELL, Robert. Carisbrooke, Isle of Wight 4.6.1845 — London 30.12.1925. British Civil Servant, Historian, and Indologist in India. Son of Robert Burleigh Sewell, solicitor in Isle of Wight, and Marianne Billingsley Seymour (1815–1849). Educated at St. Peter’s College, Radley. Joined I.C.S. and arrived in India in December 1868, served in…

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SEREBRJAKOV, Igor’ Dmitrievič

SEREBRJAKOV, Igor’ Dmitrievič. Sartana, Mariupolsk, gub. Ekaterinoslav (obl. Doneck), Ukraine 14.(27.)11.1917 — Ibid. 20.9.1998. Russian Indologist. Son of a Russian worker. Graduated 1940 from Philological Faculty, Leningrad. Kand. filol. nauk 1964, Dr. filol. nauk 1975. In 1940-56 in army service, in 1941-47 taught at VIIJa. In 1959-61 cultural delegate in…

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SEMIČËV (-čov), Boris Vladimirovič

SEMIČËV (-čov), Boris Vladimirovič. St.Petersburg 26.10.(8.11.)1900 — Tomsk 17.2.1984. Russian Indologist and Tibetan Scholar. Son of an official. Graduated 1929 from Leningrad Oriental Faculty in Indo-Tibetan philology (Ščerbatskoj). Kand. filol. nauk 1965. In 1928-32 naučnyj sotrudnik at Institute of Buddhist Culture, 1930-33 at Oriental Institute and from 1932 in Indian…

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SEMENCOV, Vsevolod Sergeevič

SEMENCOV, Vsevolod Sergeevič. Rudne-Garbovka, Žitomirskaja oblast’, Ukraine 2.7.1941 — Moscow 12.1.1986. Russian (Ukrainian?) Indologist. Son of Sergej Pavlovič Semencov, a forest engineer, and Varvara Ivanovna Orlova, a geologist. Studied first music, from 1963 Indian Philology at Moscow Institute of Oriental Languages, in 1967-68 also at Banaras Hindu University. In 1968-84…

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SCHLEGEL, Friedrich

SCHLEGEL, Karl Wilhelm Friedrich (1814 von Schl.). Hannover 10.3.1772 — Dresden 12.1.1829. German Literate and Pioneer of Indology. Son of Johann Adolf Schlegel (1721–1793), Lutheran priest and author, of an old cultural family, and Erdmuthe Hübsch (1735–1811), nephew of the poet Johann Elias Schlegel (1719–1749), brother of —> A. W. von…

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SCHLEGEL, August Wilhelm von

SCHLEGEL, August Wilhelm von. Hannover 5.9.1767 — Bonn 12.5.1845. German Indologist, Classical Scholar and Art Historian. Professor in Bonn. Son of Johann Adolf Schlegel (1721–1793), Lutheran priest and author, of and old cultural family, and Erdmuthe Hübsch (1735–1811), nephew of the poet Johann Elias Schlegel (1719–1749), himself started early the…

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SCHLAGINTWEIT, Emil. Munich 7.7.1835 — Zweibrücken 20.10.1904. German Indologist and Tibetan Scholar. Son of oculist physician Joseph Schl. (1792–1854) and Rosalia Seidl (1805–1839), younger brother of —> Adolf, Hermann, and Robert Schl. A fifth brother was Eduard Schl. (1831–1866), an officer and explorer of Morocco. After the early death of…

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