RENOU, Louis

RENOU, Louis Marie Joseph. Paris 28.10.1896 — Vernon (Eure) 18.8.1966. French Indologist. Professor in Paris. School and studies in Paris. The WW I interrupted his studies and he had to spend two years as prisoner of war. After the war he continued Indology under Lévi (also Meillet, Bloch and Foucher)…

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RÉGNIER, Adolphe

RÉGNIER, Jacques-Auguste-Adolphe. Mainz 7.7.1804 — Fontainebleau 20.10. 1884. French Indologist. Born in a French family in German area then occupied by the French. After studies worked as schoolteacher (of literature and German) in provincial schools. From 1829 agrégé des classes supérieures des lettres, then also maître de conférence teaching German,…

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REGNAUD, Paul. Mantoche (Haute-Saône) 19.4.1838 — Sanary-sur-Mer (Var) 18.11.1910. French Indologist. Professor in Lyon. Son of a court clerk. From 1868 studies at Paris under Bergaigne and Hauvette-Besnault. Diplom of É.P.H.É. 1873, worked as journalist. Ph.D. 1884 Paris. From 1879 maître de conférence and from 1887 the first occupant of…

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REGAMEY, Constantin

REGAMEY, Constantin (Konstanty). Kiev (now Kyiv in Ukraina) 15.(28.)1.1907 — Lausanne 27.12.1982. Polish/Swiss Indologist, Tibetan and Buddhist Scholar and Componist. Professor in Lausanne and Fribourg. Born in Ukraina (then part of Russia) in a Polish-Swiss family. Father, Konstanty Kasimierz Regamey (1879–1938) was pianist, componist and music teacher, mother, Lydia Slavitsch,…

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RAU, Wilhelm

RAU, Adolf Wilhelm Ludwig. Gera 15.2.1922 — Gera 29.12.1999. German Indologist. Professor in Marburg. Son of Rudolf Rau, a schoolteacher, and Johanna Seifarth, also a teacher, gymnasium in Gera. Began with Sanskrit already when 15. From 1940 studies at Leipzig under Fr. Weller, soon interrupted by service as interpreter for…

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RAU, Heimo

RAU, Heimo. Breslau 30.12.1912 — Filderstadt, Kr. Esslingen, Baden-Württemberg 30.12.1993. German Art Historian and Indologist. Long time in India. Son of Stadtbaurat Ernst Rau and Hedwig Czeschka (of Austria), both Steinerians. Studies of art history, archaeology and Indology at Vienna. In 1933 Assistant at excavations at Feistritz-Pulst in Carinthia. Ph.D.…

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RAPSON, Edward James. Leicester 12.5.1861 — Cambridge 3.10.1937. British Indologist. Professor in Cambridge. Son of the teacher and future vicar Edward Rapson, educated in Hereford. From 1879 studied at St.John’s, Cambridge. Graduated in classics in 1883 and started now Indology under Cowell. Fellow of St.John’s 1887-93, then brief time as…

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RANDLE, Herbert Niel

RANDLE, Herbert Niel. Bombay 19.10.1880 — Richmond, Surrey 8.7.1973. British Indologist. Civil servant (teacher) in India and Librarian in London (India Office). Son of Nathaniel Randle (1839–1893), manager of a vining company, and Elfrida Clark. The family returned soon to the U.K. and he was educated at Dulwich College in…

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RAABE, Christine Henriette

RAABE, Christine Henriette. Utrecht 1878 — Utrecht 17.2.1959. Dutch Student of Indology. Daughter of Adam Hendrik Raabe (d. 1899) and Christina Henriette Raabe (née Marth). Studies under Caland at Utrecht. Ph.D. 1911 Utrecht. In 1913 married with Rudolf Ernst Kraemer, two children. Publications: Diss. Bijdrage tot de kennis van het…

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TUXEN, Poul. Frederiksberg near Copenhagen 8.12.1880 — Copenhagen 29.5.1955. Danish Indologist. Professor in Copenhagen. Son of Søren Ludvig Tuxen (1850–1919), teacher and classical philologist, and Johanne Margarethe Jørgensen. Educated at Bergerydskolen in Copenhagen, where his father was rector. Started Sanskrit as a schoolboy, matriculated 1899. Studied at Copenhagen Music (played…

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