VOLKOVA, Oktjabrina Fëdorovna

VOLKOVA, Oktjabrina Fëdorovna. Leningrad 23.1.1926 — 22.10.1988. Russian Indologist, specialist of Buddhist Sanskrit literature. Daughter of an officer, Fëdor Andreevič Volkov. Graduated 1952 from Leningrad Oriental Faculty. In 1952-56 taught at Institute of Foreign Affairs. In 1956-81 naučnyj sotrudnik at Oriental Institute. Publications: At least 10 items, e.g. – Transl.…

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VOIGT, Wolfgang

VOIGT, Wolfgang. Friedenau/Berlin 17.7.1911 — Berlin 30.8.1982. German Indologist. Editor of the V.O.H.D. Studied at Berlin Indology (Lüders, Breloer), Iranian (Schaeder) and Theology, then at Marburg Sanskrit and Tibetan (Nobel), Religion (Heiler) and Theology. Ph.D. 1936 Marburg. First Theological examination 1937. From 1937 worked in Berlin University Library, from 1939…

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VOGEL, Jean-Philippe

VOGEL, Jean-Philippe. ’s-Gravenhage 9.1.1871 — Oegstgeest near Leiden 10.4.1958. Dutch Indologist, Specialist of Indian Art and Archaeology. Professor in Leiden. Son of Johan Gregorius V. (1843–1920), a judge, and Jeanne Adrienne du Quesne van Breuchem (1844–1890). Educated in Alkmaar, gymnasium in Haarlem, then studied Sanskrit and Dutch at Amsterdam, also…

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VINSON, Julien

VINSON, Elie Honoré Julien. Paris? (thus French Wikipédia, English Wikip. claims Pondichéry and data.bnf.fr Bagnères-de-Luchon, Haute-Garonne) 21.1.1843 — Libourne (Gironde) 21.11.1926. French Indologist and Scholar of Religion. Professor in Paris. Probably born in France, but grew up in Karikal and Pondichéry, where his father was a civil servant, and thus…

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VIENNOT, Odette. 23.1.1910 — 18.11.1992. French Indologist and Art Historian. Born in an artist family, studied ethnology, soon Indology at É.P.H.É. and Indian Art at Ecole du Louvre, under Ph. Stern. In 1951 chargée de mission in Musée Guimet, soon joined C.N.R.S. As an art historian she specialized in the…

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VENIS, Arthur

VENIS, Arthur (born Arthur Venis Lazarus). Calcutta 4.10.1857 — Uttarkhand 5.6.1918. British (Anglo-Indian) Educator and Indologist in India. Professor in Varanasi and Allahabad. Son of Edward John Lazarus, a converted Jew with Indian background, a physician also interested in Sanskrit. After studies at Edinburgh and Oxford (Balliol College, B.A. 1878,…

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VASCONCELOS (DE) ABREU, Guilherme Augusto (de). Coimbra 20.5.1842 — Lisbon 1.2.1907. Portuguese Indologist. Professor in Lisbon. Son of Victor Madail de Abreu (1811–1868), an official and liberal activist, and Guilhermina de Vasconcellos Abreu. School in Coimbra and 1854-56 in Porto, then some time in Brazil, also visited India. Then studied then…

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VALLAURI, Mario. Viareggio (Lucca) 31.7.1887 — Dronero (Cuneo) 19.9.1964. Italian Indologist. Professor in Turin. Born in an old Piemontese family, son of Giuseppe Vallauri (1840–1902) and Maddalena Pronetti. Studied Indology at Naples under Kerbaker(degree 1911). Further studies in 1912 at Florence under Pavolini and 1913-14 at Würzburg under Jolly, concentrating…

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UHLE, Heinrich

UHLE, Heinrich. Frauenstein, Erzgebirge 9.11.1842 — Blasewirz, Dresden 28.12.1925. German Indologist. Schoolteacher in Dresden. Studies at Leipzig, i.al. Indology under Brockhaus. Ph.D. In 1898-1911 taught classical languages at Gymnasium zum heiligen Kreuz in Dresden, then retired. Prompted by Brock­haus, started the study of the Vetālapañcaviṁśatika. Publications: “Eine sanskritische Parallele zu einer…

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ZOGRAF, Georgij Aleksandrovič

ZOGRAF, Georgij Aleksandrovič. Leningrad 15.4.1928 — 26.4.1993. Russian Indologist (Hindi-Urdu). Son of Aleksandr Nikolaevič Zograf (1889–1942), an ancient historian, and Ol’ga Grigor’evna Kotova. As an adolescent he managed through the siege of Leningrad (that killed his father). He graduated 1951 at Leningrad, as student of Beskrovnyj. Kand. filol. nauk 1954,…

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