MÜLLER-HESS, Eduard (until 1882 E. Müller). Berlin 14.4.1853 — Bern 9.7.1923. German Indologist in Switzerland. Professor in Bern. Son of Captain Eduard Müller and Valérie Geigy (Swiss from Basel). After school in Berlin studies of Indology and comparative linguistics at Berlin, Tübingen and Leipzig. Ph.D. 1874 Leipzig. In 1877-80 Goldschmidt’s…

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MÜLLER, Reinhold F. G.

MÜLLER, Reinhold Franz Gustav. Berlin 16.4.1882 — Einsiedel bei Chemnitz 2.2.1966. German (East) Indologist and Physician. Son of a Gustav Müller (1851–1941), a schoolteacher. Grew up in Berlin, often spent summers in Innsbruck. In 1902-07 studies of medicine at Berlin and Innsbruck, then Assistant at Greifswald until 1911. Dr.med. 1909…

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MÜLLER, Friedrich Max. Dessau 6.12.1823 — Oxford 28.10.1900. German Indologist, Linguist and Scholar of Comparative Religion in England. Professor in Oxford. Son of the poet Wilhelm Müller (1794–1827) and Adelheid Basedow (1800–1883), grew up in the small Saxonian principality of Anhalt-Dessau. After Nikolaischule in Leipzig (1836-41) studied classical philology at…

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MÜLLER, Friedrich

MÜLLER, Friedrich. Jemnick (Jemníky), Kr. Butzlau, Bohemia (Czech) 6.3.1834 — Vienna 25.5.1898. Austrian Indo-Iranian Scholar and Linguist. Professor in Vienna. Born in a poor family in Bohemia, where his father, Friedrich Müller, was the chemist of a small sulphuric acid factory, grew up in Rotz, Niederösterreich. His mother was Ursula…

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MORISON, James. 1852 — 1935. British Indologist. Studies at Oxford (under Macdonell) and Vienna. Ph.D. 1893 Vienna (apparently under Bühler). From 1914 Librarian of Indian Institute at Oxford, also teaching. Apparently he had served in India as IA 24, 1895 contains his translation of A. Barth’s article. Married. Publications: Diss. Der elfte…

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MOORE, Justin Hartley

MOORE, Justin Hartley. Brooklyn, N.Y. 13.1.1884 — Mexico 13.9.1962. U.S. Indologist. Son of Albert Star Moore and his wife Elizabeth. A.M. 190? and Ph.D. 1908 Columbia University, New York (under Jackson). Later on, one Justin Hartley Moore was the dean of a business school in New York and wrote on…

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MONSEUR, Eugène Henri Guillaume Edgard. Liège 17.9.1860 — Brussels 6.12.1912. Belgian Indologist, Linguist and Folklorist. Professor in Brussels. Son of an armorer, lost his father in the age of six and mother in 12, and was in care of aunts. Educated at Jesuit school and Athenaeum of Liège. Dr. en…

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MONIER-WILLIAMS, Monier. Bombay 12.11.1819 — Cannes, France 11.4.1899. Sir. British Indologist. Professor in Oxford. Third son of Colonel Monier Williams (1775–1823, R.E., Surveyor-General in Bombay Presidency, 24 years in India) and Hannah Sophia Brown. Sent to England in 1822 he was educated in Chelsea and Brighton, then at King’s College…

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MOLESWORTH, James Thomas

MOLESWORTH, James Thomas. Baptised St.Giles, Camberwell 15.6.1795 — Clifton, Cumbria 13.7.1872. British (Irish?) Colonial Officer and Indologist, specialist of Marāṭhī. Long time in India (1811?-36 and 51-60). The youngest son of the Hon. Richard M. and Catherine Cobb. After education in Exeter he joined the army and came to India…

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MÖGLING, Hermann Fr.

MÖGLING, Hermann Friedrich. Brackenheim, Schwaben 29.5.1811 — Esslingen 10.5.1881. German Missionary and Indologist (Kannaḍa Scholar), 25 years in India. Born in a religious family of Swiss (Basel) origin, his father was teacher, later minister. Educated at Oehringen Lyceum (where his father taught) he obtained a thorough training in classics. At…

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