VYHNIS, Čeněk (Vincenz)

VYHNIS, Čeněk (Vincenz). Kostelec nad Labem, Central Bohemia 8.10.1842 — Prague 23.3.1897. Czech Schoolteacher interested in Indology. Studies in 1864-67 at Prague, mainly of classics and philosophy, also Sanskrit under Ludwig. Worked as gymnasium professor of classics in Hradec Králové, finally in Prague. Died of tuberculosis. His Vikramorvaśīya translation remained…

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SOMS (Y) CASTELÍN, Enrique. 1860 — 1913. Spanish Linguist. Ph.D. Professor of Greek at Salamanca, from 1891 at Madrid. After Gelabert y Gordiola’s death (1894) taught Sanskrit classes at Madrid University until Daza de Campos was nominated in 1897. Friend of Miguel de Unamuno. Publications: Translated G. Curtius’ Gramática griega…

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SIMON, Walter

SIMON, Ernst Julius Walter (Ximen Xuade). Berlin 10.6.1893 — London 22.2.1981. German Sinologist and Sino-Tibetan Scholar in the U.K. Professor in London. Son of mathematician Heinrich Simon (1859–1930) and Cläre Abraham (murdered in Ghetto Theresienstadt). Studies of classical and Romance philology in 1911-14 at Berlin, 1915-18 in army. Employed in…

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SCHMIDTS, Peter (Pēteris Šmits, Russian Pëtr Petrovič Šmidt). Rauna, Latvia (then of Russia) 25.12.1869 — Riga 5.6.1938. Latvian Linguist, Ethnographist and Sinologist. Professor of IE Antiquity and Baltic Philology at Riga. Studied Russian, Chinese and Manchu in Moscow and St.Petersburg. After a long visit to China he became Professor of…

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SCHMIDT, Richard

SCHMIDT, Johann Wilhelm Richard. Aschersleben, Sachsen-Anhalt 29.1.1866 — Münster, Westfalen 15.11.1939. German Indologist. Professor in Münster. Son of a teacher. After school in Eisleben studied in 1886-90 at Halle (Pischel, Geldner). Ph.D. 1890 Halle. Eight years in Eisleben, probably as teacher. PD 1898 Halle, in 1904-10 also Librarian of D.M.G. In…

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PERRY, Edward D.

PERRY, Edward Delavan. Troy, NY 20.12.1854 — New York City 28.3. 1938. U.S. Indologist and Classical Scholar. Professor in New York. Son of Amos Sone Perry and Sarah Hillhouse. Studies of classical philology at Columbia University in New York (A.B. 1875). Further studies under Roth at Tübingen, Ph.D. there 1879.…

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PENZL, Herbert

PENZL, Herbert. Neufelden, Oberösterreich 2.9.1910 — Oakland 1.9.1995. Austrian Linguist in the U.S.A., naturalised 1944. Professor in Berkeley. Born into an academic family. After gymnasium in Ottakring (Vienna) studied English philology at Vienna. With a scholarship (recommended by S. Freud) went to the U.S.A. and was in 1932-34 Editorial Assistant…

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OLIVER, Revilo P.

OLIVER, Revilo Pendleton. Corpus Christi, TX 7.7.1908 — Urbana, IL 20.8.1994. U.S. Classical Scholar and Racist Publisher. Son of the elder R. P. Oliver (1853–1929). After high school in Illinois he moved to California and studied Sanskrit on his own. Then studied at Pomona College (B.A.) and Classics at University…

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NOVIKOVA, Vera Aleksandrovna

NOVIKOVA, Vera Aleksandrovna. Moscow 16.2.1918 — 10.4.1972. Russian Indologist, specialist of Bengali. Daughter of an official, graduated 1940 from Leningrad. Kand. filol. nauk 1953, Docent 1956. Naučnyj sotrudnik at Oriental Institute, Leningrad, in 1949-50, taught Indian Philology at Leningrad University from 1952. Publications: At least 50 publications, i.al. – Kand.diss.…

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NICOLSON, Frank Walter. Sackville, Nova Scotia 4.11.1864 — Middletown, Middlesex CT 21.12.1946. Canadian Classical Scholar in the U.S.A. Son of Alexander Wylie Nicolson and Lydia F. Huestis. Studies at Mount Allison Wesleyan College (B.A. 1883) and Harvard (A.B. 1887 in Classics, A.M. 1888). In 1888-89 Instructor in Sanskrit and 1889-91…

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