TOLMAN, Herbert C.

TOLMAN, Herbert Cushing. South Scituate (others Norwell, co. Plymouth), MA 4.11.1865 — Nashville, TN 24.11.1923. U.S. Philologist, specialized in Greek and Old Persian. Professor in Nashville. Son of James T., a tack manufacturer, and Mary T. Briggs. Graduated 1884 from Rockland High School. Studies at Yale (A.B. 1888). Ph.D. 1890…

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QUATREMÈRE, Étienne-Marc

QUATREMÈRE, Étienne-Marc. Paris 12.7.1782 — Paris 18.9.1857. French Oriental (Arabic and Persian) Scholar and Historian. Professor in Paris. Born in a Jansenist family, son of Marc-Étienne Q. and Suzanne Sophie Lesueur-Florent. Lost in revolution his father who was  cloth merchant and member of minor nobility and was executed in 1793,…

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PULLÈ, Francesco Lorenzo

PULLÈ, Francesco Lorenzo Ubaldo Cesare Francesco, conte di San Florian. Modena 17.5.1850 — Ebrusco near Brescia 22.8.1934. Italian Indologist. Professor in Padova, Pisa and Bologna. Son of Carlo Augusto Dionigi Pullè (1819–1898), an officer, and Virginia Ricci. Studies at Florence (De Gubernatis) and Berlin (Weber, also Mommsen and Kiepert). In…

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POUCHA, Pavel. Vienna 29.12.1905 — Prague 15.1.1986. Czech Indo-Iranian, Mongolian and Tocharian Scholar. Son of tailot František Poucha. After early years in Vienna, where his parents lived for a while, he came in the age of seven to Neuhaus (now Jindřichův Hradec in Southern Bohemia) and attended classical gymnasium there.…

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POTEBNJA, Oleksandr Opanasovyč

POTEBNJA, Oleksandr Opanasovyč (Russian Aleksandr Afanasevič). Maniv near Havrylivka (Gavrilovka), dt. Poltava 10/22.9.1835 — Harkiv 29.11./11.12.1891. Ukrainian Linguist. Born in a noble family. After school in Radom (now in Poland) studied from 1851 at Harkov (Harkiv) law, history and philology (graduated 1856) and then Slavistics (grad. 1860), under Ovsjaniko-Kulikovskij.…

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PORZIG, Walter

PORZIG, Walter. Ronneburg/Thüringen 30.3.1895 — Mainz 14.10.1961. German IE Scholar. Professor in Bern, Jena and Mainz. Son of judge Max Porzig (1865–1910) and Hedwig Brauer. After school in Jena and Leipzig studied in 1913-14 at Jena and Leipzig (under Windisch et al.) and again, after military service, in 1919-21, now…

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POPPE, Nicholas N.

POPPE, Nicholas N. (Nikolaj Nikolaevič, Nikolaus). Chefoo (Chih-fu, now Yantai in Shandong), China 27.6.(8.8.)1897 — Seattle 8.6.1991. Russian Mongolian and Altaic Scholar in the U.S.A. Son of Nikolaj Poppe, a diplomat, of a St. Petersburg family of German origin. Came to Russia in 1904, educated in St. Petersburg. Matriculated in 1916,…

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POPE, George Uglow. Bedeque, Prince Edward Island 24.4.1820 — Oxford 11.2.1908. British (born in Canada) Missionary Indologist (Tamil Scholar) in India and the U.K. Son of John Pope, a merchant of Cornish origin, and Catherine Uglow, they had come to Canada in 1818. The family moved soon to Nova Scotia…

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POLEY, Ludwig (Louis)

POLEY, Karl August Ludwig (Louis, born Karl Heinrich Koch). Hordorf, Sachsen-Anhalt 7.9.1805 (hardly 1809) — Bad Deutsch-Altenburg, Austria 14.8. 1885. German Indologist. Illegitimate son of German judicial officer Johann Friedrich Poley and, according to his own, perhaps not too reliable, account, a Frenchwoman (in fact she was Dorothea Koch). He…

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POGOR, Vasile

POGOR, Vasile. Iaşi 20.8.1833 — Iaşi 20.3.1906. Romanian Author, Philosopher and Politician interested in India. Son of a nobleman, comisul Vasile P. (1792–1857) and Zoița Cerchez, educated in Iaşi. Studies of law in Paris. Worked as a lawyer in Iaşi, belonged to the literary circle “Junimea”. From 1871 in Romanian…

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