SIERKSMA, Fokke. Dantumawoude near Dokkum, Friesland 30.5.1917 — Leiden 22.8.1977. Dutch Scholar of Comparative Religion and Tibetan. Born in a religious family, son of Rijpke Sierksma and Janke Krol. Educated in Dokkum and Leeuwarden. From 1936 studies of theology at Groningen, but then interrupted because of the war. Ph.D. 1950…

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SIEGLING, Wilhelm. Erfurt 14.1.1880 — Berlin 22.1.1946. German Indologist and Tocharian Scholar. Research Scholar in Berlin. Educated in Erfurt and Eisleben. Studies of two terms at Halle, one term each at Heidelberg, Leipzig and Greifwald, then 1901-06 Sanskrit, Avestan and Tibetan at Berlin (Pischel). Ph.D. 1906 Berlin. On the advice…

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SIEGFRIED, Rudolf Thomas

SIEGFRIED, Rudolf Thomas. Dessau 1830 — Dublin 10.1.1863. German IE and Celtic Scholar in Ireland. Professor in Dublin. From Dessau. Studied 1850-51 at Tübingen under Roth, then at Berlin under Bopp and Weber, became soon interested in Celtology and went to England to write a comparative grammar. After reading the work…

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SIECKE, Ernst Ludwig Albert Karl. Spandau 19.1.1846 — 1935. German Indologist and IE Scholar. Schoolteacher in Berlin. After school and gymnasium in Spandau studied from 1864 IE Linguistics and Sanskrit at Berlin. He was the last student of Bopp, who taught him privately at home until his death, also attended…

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SHAKESPEAR, John (elder)

SHAKESPEAR, John (elder). 14.8.1774 — Langley Priory, Leicestershire 14.6.1858. British Oriental (Hindi/Urdu, Arabic and Persian) Scholar. Professor in Addiscombe. Son of a small farmer, John Shakespear, who died when he was 11, and his wife Martha. Educated at the parish school and privately. He studied Arabic in London in order…

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SHAFER, Robert

SHAFER, Robert Lloyd (Schafer). 1893 — 1969. U.S. Linguist and Sino-Tibetan scholar. Ph.D. Director of Sino-Tibetan Linguistic Project at U.C. Berkeley. Famous, but rather much criticised for his brave hypotheses. Publications: “Nahālī, a linguistic study in paleoethnography”, HJAS 5, 1940, 346-371; “Linguistics in History”, JAOS 67, 1947, 296-305; other articles.…

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SENART, Émile Charles Marie. Reims 26.3.1847 — Paris 21.2.1928. French Indologist. Private Scholar in Paris. Born in a rich merchant family, son of Jacques Senart (1794–1860) and Elise Colombier (1807–1881). He was educated at lycée in Reims, studied three years  at Munich (under Haug) and Göttingen (Benfey). Served in Franco-Prussian…

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SEMIČËV (-čov), Boris Vladimirovič

SEMIČËV (-čov), Boris Vladimirovič. St.Petersburg 26.10.(8.11.)1900 — Tomsk 17.2.1984. Russian Indologist and Tibetan Scholar. Son of an official. Graduated 1929 from Leningrad Oriental Faculty in Indo-Tibetan philology (Ščerbatskoj). Kand. filol. nauk 1965. In 1928-32 naučnyj sotrudnik at Institute of Buddhist Culture, 1930-33 at Oriental Institute and from 1932 in Indian…

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SEMENCOV, Vsevolod Sergeevič

SEMENCOV, Vsevolod Sergeevič. Rudne-Garbovka, Žitomirskaja oblast’, Ukraine 2.7.1941 — Moscow 12.1.1986. Russian (Ukrainian?) Indologist. Son of Sergej Pavlovič Semencov, a forest engineer, and Varvara Ivanovna Orlova, a geologist. Studied first music, from 1963 Indian Philology at Moscow Institute of Oriental Languages, in 1967-68 also at Banaras Hindu University. In 1968-84…

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SEIDENSTÜCKER, Karl (Girimānanda)

SEIDENSTÜCKER, Karl Bernhard (Girimānanda, Bruno Freydank). Gerbstedt, Mansfeld-Südharz 23.3.1876 — Leipzig 29.10.1936. German Bauddha and Buddhist Scholar. Son of a vicar (Oberpfarrer), Karl S. and his wife Luise (d. 1897), gymnasium in Halle. From 1895 studies of science and medicine at Göttingen, 1900 switched to philosophy and philology at Leipzig…

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