NIEDERMANN, Max Jakob. Winterthur 19.5.1874 — Neuchâtel 12.1.1954. Swiss Linguist (Classical and IE). Professor in Basel and Neuchâtel. Son of merchant Jakob N. and Regula Susanna Stolz. Educated in Winterthur. Studies at Zürich (1893-94) and Basel (1894-97, especially under Wackernagel), Ph.D. 1897 Basel. Then further studies in Paris (Meillet and L.…

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NICHOLL, George Frederick

NICHOLL, George Frederick. Tipton, Staffordshire 5.11.1832 — 28.7.1913. British Semitic Scholar also interested in Indology. Son of John Nicholls (1811–1893, his sons dropped the final s) Studies at Balliol College, Oxford, M.A. 1878, Hon. Fellow 1888. As a schoolteacher in London he taught Sanskrit to Bendall in the beginning of…

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NÈVE, Félix

NÈVE, Félix-Jean-Baptiste-Joseph. Ath 13.6.1816 — Leuven 23.5.1893. Belgian Indologist and Oriental Scholar. Professor in Louvain (Leuven). Son of merchant Auguste Nève and Marie Delwarde, family moved early to Lille where he went to school. From 1834 among the first students at Louvain, just reestablished as a Catholic French-speaking university (first…

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NEUMANN, Karl Friedrich

NEUMANN, Karl Friedrich (originally Justus Lazarus Bamberger). Reichmannsdorf near Bamberg 28.12.1793 (?) — Berlin 17.3. or 28.3.1870. German Oriental Scholar and Historian. Professor in Munich. Son of a poor Jewish merchant, Lippmann Bamberger, after Jewish school worked himself in the shop. Date of birth is his own statement, which has…

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NEUGEBAUER, Otto Eduard. Innsbruck 26.5.1899 — Princeton, N.J. 19.2.1990. Austrian Historian of Astronomy and Mathematics in the U.S.A. Son of Rudolph N., a railway engineer and collector of Oriental carpets, lost early his parents. In 1917 he left Akad. Gymnasium, Graz, to join the army and thus obtained his matriculation…

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NAHUCRIŠVILI, Grigorij Lukič

NAHUCRIŠVILI, Grigorij Lukič. Hašmi, Sagarejo district, Georgia 8.8.1922 — 27.5.1984. Georgian Indo-Iranian Scholar. Son of a farmer. In 1941-46 in army. Graduated 1949 from Tbilisi Oriental Faculty. Kand. filol. nauk 1954, Docent 1965. From 1952 taught at Tbilisi University, from 1976 with chair. Publications: At least 20 publications, – Kand.…

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MURPHY, Robert Xavier

MURPHY, Robert Xavier. 1803 — Kingstown, Dublin 26.2.1857. Irish Teacher, Journalist, Classical and Oriental Scholar in India. “He went out to Bombay as a master under the Bombay Native Education Society [1826 already there]; a classical scholar and quick acquiring Oriental languages. Edited the Bombay Gazette, 1834. Acted, 1839, as…

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MUIR, John

MUIR, John. Glasgow 5.2.1810 — Edinburgh 7.3.1882. British (Scottish) Indologist in India (1829-54) and in Edinburgh. Son of William Muir (1783–1820), a merchant, and Helen Macfie (1784–1866), elder brother of Sir William Muir (1819–1905) who also served in India and was a well-known scholar of Arabic and Islam. Educated at…

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MÜLLER, Friedrich Max. Dessau 6.12.1823 — Oxford 28.10.1900. German Indologist, Linguist and Scholar of Comparative Religion in England. Professor in Oxford. Son of the poet Wilhelm Müller (1794–1827) and Adelheid Basedow (1800–1883), grew up in the small Saxonian principality of Anhalt-Dessau. After Nikolaischule in Leipzig (1836-41) studied classical philology at…

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MÜLLER, Friedrich

MÜLLER, Friedrich. Jemnick (Jemníky), Kr. Butzlau, Bohemia (Czech) 6.3.1834 — Vienna 25.5.1898. Austrian Indo-Iranian Scholar and Linguist. Professor in Vienna. Born in a poor family in Bohemia, where his father, Friedrich Müller, was the chemist of a small sulphuric acid factory, grew up in Rotz, Niederösterreich. His mother was Ursula…

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