JAMESON, Michael H.

JAMESON, Michael H. London 15.10.1924 — Stanford 18.8.2004. U.S. Classical Scholar. Born in London where his parents, Raymond D. J. and Rose Perel J. were visiting from Peking, where his father was Professor of Western Literature. Grew up in Peking and London. A.B. 1942 University of Chicago in Greek. In…

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WAUCHOPE, Robert Stuart

WAUCHOPE, Robert Stuart (until 1920 R. S. Wahab). 1887? — 19??. British Colonial Officer in India. Son of a Colonel of Indian army. Joined army in 1906, 1910 appointed to Survey of India. After military duties in 1914-21 its Assistant Director of Works in Waziristan. From 1929 Superintendent of Surveys in…

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TODD, K. R. U.

TODD, Killingworth Richard Utten. Samford, Suffolk 16.12.1904 — Surrey 13.4.1950. British Naval Officer in India. Son of Richard James Utten Todd and Constance Ethelreda Lunn. Joined the Royal Indian Navy as Sub-Lieutenant, finally rose to Commander. In WW II participated in Burmese operations. As archaeologist he was interested both in…

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TEMPLER, Philip Arthur

TEMPLER, Philip Arthur. 1846 — 1899. British Civil Servant in Sri Lanka. Son of Francis Buller T. and Emma Turton. Assistant Government Agent in Puttaļam (1877/82 there), then Government Agent in Southern Province (1890), then in Central Province (1894). Finally 1895-99 Administrator of Dominica in West Indies. Married 1866 (in…

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ST.GEORGE, Harry Hemersley

ST.GEORGE, Harry Hemersley. 1845 — 18.2.1897.  British Colonial Officer in Sri Lanka. Lieutenant-Colonel. Spent many years in Ceylon, in 1885 participated in Sudan campaign. Last years in Edinburgh. Also an artist who painted landscapes and archaeological objects. Publications: “The Rebellion of Ceylon, and the Progress of its Conquest under the Government…

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POLE, John

POLE, John. 18?? — 19??. British Planter in Sri Lanka. In 1913 book his address was Scarborough Estate, Maskeliya, Ceylon. A likely candidate is found in thepeerage.com: John Pole (11.4.1848 — 1913), son of Rev. Edward De La Pole and Maty Anne Chapman, married Charlotte Pargiter (d. 1896), four daughters…

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PLAESCHKE, Herbert Karl Alfred. Wismar 1.6.1928 — 29.12.2002. German (East) Indologist and Art Historian. Son of Alfred Pl., a book dealer, and Margarete Möller. Studies of Oriental archaeology (H. Mode) and Indology (Ammer) at Halle, graduated 1959. Dr.phil. 1963 Halle. Dr.sc. 19??. PD 1971 Halle. Worked as wiss. Mitarbeiter in Universitäts-…

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PEAKE, Harold J. E.

PEAKE, Harold John Edward. Ellesmere, Shropshire 29.9.1867 — 22.9.1946. British lay Anthropologist and Archaeologist. Son of Rev. John Peake, Vicar of Ellesmere, and his wife Matilda. M.A. Trained in estate management at Leicester. With his wife went around the world and stayed some time in a ranch in British Columbia. Then back…

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LUNIN, Boris Vladimirovič

LUNIN, Boris Vladimirovič. Geneva 18.7.1906 — Tashkent 18.10.2001. Russian Historian of Central Asia. Son of a lawyer, graduated in 1922 (?) from Arheologičeskij Institut in Rostov-na-Donu. War service 1941-45. Kand. ist. nauk 1956, Dr. ist. nauk 1967, Professor 1970. In 1925-41 “sotrudnik Donskogo obščestva arheologii, istorii, Sev.-Kavkazskogo kraevogo obščestva arheologii…

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LUARD, C. Eckford

LUARD, Charles Eckford. Farnham, Surrey 11.11.1869 — 1927. British Colonial Officer in India. Lieutenant-Colonel. Son of Colonel Charles Henry Luard and Amelia Juliana Martin. Educated in Marlborough, studies at Oxford (Christichurch). M.A. Cadet 1891, in 1892-98 served in Indian army, then in Indian Political Service until 1925. Superintendent of Census for…

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