WULFF, Kurt. Hellerup 4.9.1881 — Copenhagen 4.5.1939. Danish Linguist (Indologist, South-East and East Asian Scholar and Sinologist). Librarian in Copenhagen. Son of Peter Wulff (1841–1898), a cigar manufacturer, and Emma Heydorn (1846–1926), a Holsteinian (German, but politically on Danish side) family. Matriculated in 1900, studied classics at Copenhagen, also linguistics…

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WÜST, Walther

WÜST, Walther. Kaiserslautern 7.5.1901 — Munich 21.3.1993. German Indologist and IE Linguist. Professor in Munich. Son of a teacher. From 1920 studies of German, French and Indology at Munich. Ph.D. 1923 Munich. PD 1926 Munich. From 1932 ao. Professor and from 1935 ord. (Oertel’s successor, now for “Arische Kultur- und…

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WOOLNER, Alfred C.

WOOLNER, Alfred Cooper. Etruria Hall near Hanley, Staffordshire 13.5.1878 — Lahore 7.1.1936. British Indologist in India. Professor in Lahore. Son of Captain Henry Woolner, an artist and art teacher, and his wife Catherine Esther, grew up in Suffolk. Educated in Ipswich, in 1897-1902 studied Sanskrit (Macdonell), Chinese and Classics at…

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WOOD, Francis A.

WOOD, Francis Asbury. Point Bluff, Wis. 17.1.1859 — La Jolla, Calif. 19.6.1948. U.S. IE and Germanic Linguist. Professor in Chicago. Son of Rev. Harvey Colcord Wood and Ann Jane Ellis. Educated at Northwestern University (A.B. 1880, A.M. 1883). In 1988-90 further studies at Göttingen in Germany. In 1890-93 Professor of…

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WOLFENDEN, Stuart N. 1889 — 28.12.1938 (when 47). U.S. Tibeto-Burman Linguist. At University of California, Berkeley. Wolfenden was one of the pioneers of  comparative Tibeto-Burman linguistics. Publications: Outlines of Tibeto-Burman Linguistic Morphology with special reference to the prefixes, infixes and suffixes of classical Tibetan and the languages of the Kachin, Bodo,…

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WISSMANN, Friedrich Wilhelm Hans. Berlin 27.2.1899 — Munich 21.12.1966. German IE Linguist. Son of bank clerk Otto Wissmann, gymnasium in Berlin. From 1917 military service, from 1919 studied under Schulze at Berlin. Ph.D. 1930, then worked as Assistant at Berlin. PD 1938 Berlin, in 1939 he moved to Halle, but had…

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WINDISCH, Ernst Wilhelm Oskar. Dresden 4.9.1844 (or 14.9.?) — Leipzig (or Dresden?) 30.10.1918. German Indologist and Celtic Scholar. Professor in Leipzig. Son of a schoolteacher, Louis W. Windisch and Caroline Lamm.After Kreuzschule in Leipzig studiedfrom 1863 at Leipzig classics (under Ritschl), Germanic (Zarncke), Sanskrit (Brockhaus) and Comparative Linguistics (Curtius). Ph.D.…

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WINDEKENS, Albert Joris van. Mountain-Ash, Wales 23.4.1915 — Leuven 28.3.1989. Belgian Linguist. Professor in Louvain. Born in the U.K., after the war family returned to Belgium. Studies under Carnoy at Louvain, then under Filliozat in Paris. Dr. en philologie classique 1939, Dr. en philol. & histoire orientales 1941. From 1944…

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WIMMER, Ludvig

WIMMER, Ludvig Frands Adalbert. Ringkøbing on Jutland west coast 7.2.1839 — Copenhagen 29.4.1920. Danish Linguist. Son of Adalbert Ernst Wimmer, a customs officer, and Karoline Henriette Petersen. Educated in Kolding and Ribe. Studied at Copenhagen Germanics, classics, comparative linguistics and Sanskrit (under Westergaard), even Arabic and Hebrew. Ph.D. there 1868.…

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WILSON, Horace Hayman

WILSON, Horace Hayman. London 26.9.1786 (date uncertain) — London 8.5.1860. British Indologist. In India 1808-32, then Professor in Oxford. Born in a modest family. Educated in London and studied medicine at St.Thomas’ Hospital, but also learned the elements of minting. In 1808 left forBengal as Assistant-Surgeon, during the six months’…

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