LENZ, Robert

LENZ, Robert (Robert Hristianovič Lenc). Dorpat (Tartu) 23.1./4.2.1808 — St. Petersburg 30.7./11.8.1836. Russian (German from Estonia) Indologist. Son of Christian Lenz (1770–1817), the secretary of municipal council of Dorpat, and Luise Elisabeth Wolff (d. 1830), brother of the physicist Academician Heinrich Emil Lenz (1804–1865). After Gymnasium in Dorpat in 1820-24…

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LENTZ, Wolfgang

LENTZ, Otto Helmut Wolfgang. Hameln 23.2.1900 — Marburg 8.12.1986. German Iranian Scholar. Professor in Hamburg. Son of Dr. Alfred Lentz (1860–1911), director of girls’ Gymnasium in Hameln, and Katharina Gette. Educated in Hameln, matriculated 1917. In 1918-23 studies of IE and classical languages, later also Iranian and Indo-Aryan and Semitic…

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LEITNER, Gottlieb Wilhelm

LEITNER, Gottlieb Wilhelm. Pest 14(17?).10.1840 — Bonn 22.3.1899. Austro-Hungarian Indologist and Anthropologist in the U.K. and India. Professor in Lahore. Son of Leopold Saphir, a physician, of Austrian Jewish family living in Hungary. Father died early and his mother, Marie Henriette Herzberg, remarried Johann Moritz Leitner (a Protestant Christian) and…

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LEFMANN, Salomon

LEFMANN, Salomon. Telgte near Münster 25.12.1831 — Heidelberg 14.1.1912. German Indologist. Professor in Heidelberg. Son of a Jewish merchant and farmer, educated privately in Paderborn. After seminary in Münster worked as teacher of Jewish religion in Westfalen. At the same time studied at the universities of Münster, Heidelberg and Berlin,…

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LECOUTERE, Charles Franciscus Petrus. Antwerpen 11.12.1865 — Knokke 19.9.1921. Belgian Linguist. Professor in Leuven. Son of sculptor Petrus L. and Ludovica Vandenbroucke. Student of de Harlez at Leuven, but concentrated more on Classics (Ph.D. 1892) and then turned to Germanistics. Eo. Professor at Louvain (Leuven) from 1§895, ord. 1899. Married,…

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LATERZA (LA TERZA), Ermengildo

LA TERZA (LATERZA), Ermenegildo. Putignano (Bari) 2.3.1866 — Naples 1939. Italian Indologist. Graduated at Naples as student of Kerbaker. In 1895-1911 schoolteacher of classical languages in several places (i. al. in Avellino). From 1904 Docent of Sanskrit at Naples (libero docente di filologia sanscrita), later Incaricato di filologia indoeuropea there.…

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LARIN, Boris Aleksandrovič

LARIN, Boris Aleksandrovič. Poltava 12.1.1893 — Leningrad 26.3.1964. Ukrainian Linguist in Russia, Specialist of Balto-Slavonian also interested in Sanskrit. Professor in Leningrad. Son of a schoolteacher. Educated in 1902-06 at Kamenec-Podol’skoj gimnazii and 1906-10 at Kievskoj Kollegij im. Pavla Galagana. In 1910-14 studies at Kiev University of Slavonian philology and…

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LĄCZAK, Józef (until the 1970s Lonczak). Książnica (near Mielec) 5.12.1926 — 21.8.1989. Polish Linguist, began as an Indologist, but moved into the Finno-Ugrian studies. After school (in wartime in secret courses) at Mielec, from 1947 studies of Indology (Willman-Grabowska) and Polish Philology at Cracow, graduated M.A. in 1952 (diss. “Indian Studies…

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KURYŁOWICZ, Jerzy. Stanisławów (now Ivano-Frankivsk in Ukraina) 26.8.1895 — Cracow 28.1.1978. Polish IE Scholar. Professor in Lwów (L’viv) and Cracow. Born in what was then the Polish part of Austro-Hungarian empire, son of Roman K. and Flora Kleczyńska. Gymnasium in Lemberg (L’viv). In 1913-14 and again 1918-20 studies at commercial…

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KUHN, Ernst

KUHN, Ernst Wilhelm Adalbert. Berlin 7.2.1846 — Munich 20/21.8.1920. German Indologist. Professor in Munich. Son of —> Adalbert Kuhn (1812–1881) and Albertine Schwartz, grew up in Berlin. From 1863 studies at Berlin, Tübingen and Halle. Ph.D. 1869 Halle. From 1871 PD at Halle, 1872-75 at Leipzig. In 1875-77 Professor ord.…

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