MENANT, Joachim

MENANT, Joachim. Cherbourg 16.4.1820 — Paris 30.8.1899. French Assyriologist, with early interest in Iranian religion. Son of Joachim M. and Amable Boissière, educated in Cherbourg. He became a lawyer (studies at Caen) and worked in administrative positions in different towns, finally from 1872 in Rouen, until retirement in 1890. Last…

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KING, Leonard William

KING, Leonard William. London 8.12.1869 — 20.8.1919. British Archaeologist and Assyriologist. Professor in London. Son of Robert King (d. 1886) and Mary Scarborough, educated at Rugby and King’s College, Cambridge (B.A. 1891, M.A. 1895, D.litt. 1914). From 1892 in British Museum, working under Wallis Budge, from 1913 Assistant Keeper of…

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HINCKS, Edward

HINCKS, Edward. Cork 19.8.1792 — Killyleagh, county Down 3.12.1866. Rev. Irish Priest and Oriental Scholar. The eldest son of the Presbyterian minister and naturalist Thomas Dix H. (1767–1857), whose father came in 1767 from Chester to Dublin, and Anne Boult. Educated at home and at Middleton College in Cork, from…

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HALÉVY, Joseph

HALÉVY, Joseph. Adrianople (now Edirne) 15.12.1827 — Paris 21.1.1917. French (originally Turkish Jew) Epigraphist, Semitist and Traveller. Professor in Paris, naturalized Frenchman. Taught Hebrew in Jewish schools in Adrianople and Budapest (or Bucharest?), studied Oriental languages and archaeology. In 1865 came to Paris. In disguise of a Rabbi from Jerusalem…

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