LEVY, Robert I.

LEVY, Robert I. New York 1.6.1924 — Asolo, Italy 29.8.2003. U.S. Anthropologist with Psychoanalytic background. He was trained as a psychoanalytic psychiatrist and had a private practice in psychiatry for several years, before turning to Anthropology. In 1961 and 1962-42 Fieldwork in Tahiti. From 1969 Professor of Anthropology at University…

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WIDGERY, Alban Gregory. Bloxwich, Staffordshire 9.5.1887 — Winchester, Va. 22.3.1968. British Scholar of Religion in the U.S.A. Son of Rev. John Thomas Widgery and Ellen Thomas. Studies at Cambridge (St.Catharine’s College, B.A. 1908, M.A. 1912). From 1908-10 taught at Bristol University, 1910-12 further studies at Marburg, Jena and Sorbonne. Then…

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CRANE, Robert I.

CRANE, Robert Irwin. Delhi 1920 — Syracuse, NY 1997. U.S. Historian of South Asia. Born in India to missionary parent. Studies at Duke, B.A. 1941 just before WW II. In war service again in South Asia. Renewed studies at Yale. Ph.D. 1951 Yale. Worked as Instructor at Chicago, Associate Professor…

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