OVSJANIKO-KULIKOVSKIJ, Dmitrij Nikolaevič (Ukr. Dmitro Mikolajovič O.-K.). Kahovka, Tavrida guv. 23.1.(4.2.)1853 — Odessa 9.10.1920. Ukrainian Linguist, Indologist and Critic. Professor in Harkiv (Kharkiv), Academician in St.Petersburg. Born in a noble family, son of Nikolaj Nikolaevič O.-K. and Varvara Nikolaevna Rud’. After gymnasium in Simferopol studies of Sanskrit and linguistics in…

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OTRĘBSKI, Jan Szczepan. Silica, Silesia 8.12.1889 — Poznań 25.4.1971. Polish IE and Balto-Slavic Scholar. Professor in Wilno (Vilnius) and Poznań. Educated in Kielce, studies at Warsaw and Leipzig (Windisch). During WW I interned, working in a German brick factory. After war continued studies at Cracow. Ph.D. there 1920 (under Rozwadowski).…

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OŠTIR, Karel

OŠTIR, Karel. Arnače, Velenje 13.10.1888 — Ljubljana 27.12.1973.(Slovenian IE Linguist. Born in a peasant family. After gymnasium in Celje and Maribor he rejected the parental idea of a monastic future and studied from 1909 Linguistics at Graz (Meringer) and Vienna, 1913-14 in St.Petersburg and London. After military service continued studies.…

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OSTHOFF, Hermann

OSTHOFF, Caspar Carl Heinrich Gottfried Emil Franz Hermann. Billmerich, Westfalen 18.4.1847 — Heidelberg 7.5.1907. German IE Scholar. Professor in Heidelberg. Son of Franz Osthoff, an estate owner, and Lisette Theodore Birnberg. Gymnasium in Gütersloh. Studies of Classics and Sanskrit at Bonn (Gildemeister), then at Tübingen (Roth) and Berlin (Weber). Ph.D.…

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OSSOWSKI, Juliusz J.

OSSOWSKI, Juliusz Jan. Danzig (Gdansk) 4.11.1855 — Königsberg 4.2.1882. Polish Student of Indo-Iranian Linguistics. Son of Henryk O. (d. 1868), a smith, and Marianna Skibińska. After gymnasium in Chełmnie began 1875 studies at Breslau: Classics, German and Sanskrit (Stenzler). In 1877 interrupted because of health problems. After a while as…

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OGLE, Marbury Bladen

OGLE, Marbury Bladen. Howard Co., MD 23.8.1879 — Minneapolis, MN 25.5.1964. U.S. Classical Scholar also interested in Sanskrit and IE Linguistics. Professor in Vermont, Columbus, and Minneapolis. Son of Richard Lowndes Ogle and Fanny D. Knight. Educated at Johns Hopkins (A.B. 1902, Ph.D. 1907). Studies of classical philology (Kirby and…

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OELER, Jakob

OELER, Jakob. 18?? — 19??. German Student of IE Linguistics. Ph.D. 1916 Marburg. Publications: Diss. Die Ausdrücke für die körperlichen Gebrechen in den indogermanischen Sprachen. Eine semasiologische Untersuchung. 93 p. Marburg 1916. Sources: Diss. in Janert.

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ODÉ, Arend Willem Mauritz

ODÉ, Arend Willem Mauritz. Schiedam 3.6.1887 — Delft 14.8.1951. Dutch IE Linguist. Son of bookseller Gerrit Odé and Sophia Cornelia van der Pauwert. From 1904 studies at Leiden, i.al. under Uhlenbeck. Ph.D. 1912 Leiden. Further studies at Copenhagen (Pedersen). In 1914-16 military service. From 1917 teacher of Dutch and geography…

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NOLTE, Hans Josef

NOLTE, Hans Josef. 1857 — 1???. German Student of IE Linguistics. From Paderborn. Ph.D. 1894 Erlangen. Publications: Diss. Die Anfänge des Ackerbaus, Jäger- und Hirtenlebens. Ein Beitrag zur indogermanischen Altertumskunde. 92 p. Marburg 1894. Sources: Diss. in Janert; the internet scan of the diss. contains no life data; birth year…

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NIEDERMANN, Max Jakob. Winterthur 19.5.1874 — Neuchâtel 12.1.1954. Swiss Linguist (Classical and IE). Professor in Basel and Neuchâtel. Son of merchant Jakob N. and Regula Susanna Stolz. Educated in Winterthur. Studies at Zürich (1893-94) and Basel (1894-97, especially under Wackernagel), Ph.D. 1897 Basel. Then further studies in Paris (Meillet and L.…

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