MASING, Leonhard

MASING, Gotthilf Leonhard. Mustel, Ösel (now Mustjala, Saaremaa) 21.11.1845 — Tartu 4.4.1936. German (of Estonia) IE and Slavic Linguist. Son of Carl Johannes Masing (1809–1894), minister in Mustel, and Adelheid, Freiin von Ungern-Sternberg (1809–1894), cousin of Ferdinand Masing. After gymnasium in Arensburg (now Kuressaare in Estonia) he studied theology at…

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MASING, Ferdinand

MASING, Ferdinand. Osinovka, Govt. Saratov 14.7.1849 — St.Petersburg 8.6.1918. German (of Estonia) Teacher and former Student of IE Linguistics. Son of Ferdinand Magnus Masing (1815–1887), minister in Osinovka, and Emilie Petsch (1821–1900), cousin of —> Leonhard Masing. After gymnasium in Arensburg (now Kuressaare in Estonia) he studied philology at Dorpat…

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MARCUS, Walther

MARCUS, Walther. Dresden 2.12.1889 — 19??. German Student of IE Linguistics. After gymnasium in Dresden (matriculated 1910) studies at Giessen, Heidelberg and Berlin. Ph.D. 1914 Heidelberg. Publications: Diss. Zur Bildung der Intensiva in den altarischen Dialekten und im Griechischen. 79 p. Lp. 1914. – One W.M. edited the book: J.…

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MANSION, Joseph. Ghent 9.1.1877 — Liège 8.11.1937. Belgian Linguist. Professor in Liège. Son of the mathematician Paul Mansion (1844–1919) and Marie-Cécile Belpaire. After school in Ghent he studied in 1894-99 classical philology and law at Université de Gand where he also learned Sanskrit under La Vallée Poussin. Ph.D. 1899 in…

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MACHEK, Václav

MACHEK, Václav. Úhlejov, okr. Jičín/Neupaka 8.11.1894 — Brno 26.5.1965. Czechoslovakian Slavic, Vedic and IE Scholar. Professor in Brno. From 1914 studied at Prague Slavic, Baltic, Latin, IE and Sanskrit (under Zubatý). After interruption caused by WW I Ph.D. there 1921. In 1921-24 librarian of Slovakian Library in Paris, also further…

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LUDWIG, Alfred

LUDWIG, Alfred. Vienna 9.10.1832 — Prague 12.6.1912. Austrian Indologist. Professor in Prague. Son of Johannes L., a teacher of French, and Ludowika Köckh, grew up in Vienna, matriculated from Akademisches Gymnasium. From 1852 studies of classical philology, IE linguistics and Sanskrit at Vienna (under Boller) and in 1855-57 at Berlin…

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LOTTNER, Carl Friedrich. Berlin 20.6.1834 — Dublin 5.4.1873. German Celtic and IE Linguist in Ireland. Professor in Dublin. Son of general counsel, Justizrat Franz August L. (1796–1836) and Juliane Sander. After school and Gymnasium in Berlin studied in 1851-54 at Berlin under Bopp and Grimm. Worked as schoolteacher, then in…

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LOTSPEICH, Claude Meek. Knoxville, Tenn. 28.6.1880 — Cincinnati, Ohio 13.4.1966. U.S. Linguist. Son of Jacob Orville L. (1855–1900) and Ida Sevier Meek (1858–1894). Studies at Leipzig. Ph.D. For 45 years he was Professor of Comparative and English Philology at University of Cincinnati. Married 1907 Helen Wilson Gibbons (1881–1955), four sons…

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LORENTZ, Friedrich

LORENTZ, Friedrich Wilhelm Oloff Johannes. Güstrow 28.12.1870 — Zoppot (Sopot near Gdansk) 27.4.1937. German Slavist. Son of Friedrich L. and Luise Brunswig. Studied IE and Slavonic linguistics at Leipzig (under Brugmann and Leskien), Ph.D. 1894 there. Lived in Wismar, then in Karthaus (now Kartuzy, Poland) studying the local Kashubian language.…

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LOMMEL, Hermann

LOMMEL, Hermann. Erlangen 7.7.1885 — Prien am Chiemsee, Bavaria 5.10.1968. German Indo-Iranian Scholar. Professor in Frankfurt. Born in an academic family, son physicist Eugen L. (1837–1899) and Luise Hegel (1853–1924, granddaughter of the philosopher). From 1905 studies of IE linguistics at Munich and from 1907 at Göttingen, under Wackernagel, Oldenberg…

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