GRAY, Louis H.

GRAY, Louis Herbert. Newark, NJ 10.4.1875 — New York 18.8.1955. U.S. Indologist, Iranian Scholar and Linguist. Professor in New York. Studies at Princeton (A.B. 1896) and Columbia (A.M. 1898, Ph.D. 1900, under A. V. Williams Jackson). In 1900-02 chief cataloguer and Instructor of Indo-Iranian at Princeton, 1902-03 editor in the…

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EDGREN, Hjalmar

EDGREN, August Hjalmar. Östanås, Älvsbacka, Värmland 18.10.1840 — Djursholm, near Stockholm 9.12.1903. Swedish Indologist and Linguist, partly in the U.S.A. Professor in Lincoln. Son of Axel E. (1813–1864), an estate owner from the middle of Sweden, and Mathilda Berger. School 1849-51 in Karlstad and 1854-57 in Stockholm, where he matriculated…

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