GILLINGS, James. Norwich, Norfolk 15.11.1822 — 1897. Rev. BritishMethodist Missionary in Sri Lanka. In 1844-50 Superintendent of English school in Batticaloa, then returned on health reasons to the U.K. Retired and moved to Coonoor (Kuṉṉūr) in South India. Publications: “On the Veddahs of Bintenne”, JRAS-CB2:3 (7), 1853, 83-89. Sources: Scanty stray notes in…

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FURNESS, William Henry, III

FURNESS, William Henry, III. Wallingford, PA 10.8.1866 — 11.8.1920. U.S. Physician, Traveller and Ethnographer. Son of the Shakespearean scholar Horace Howard F. and Helen Kate Rogers (d. 1883). Educated at St.Paul’s School in Concord, NH. Studies at Harvard (B.A. 1988) and University of Pennsylvania, M.D. 1891. Together with Alfred C.…

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FOWLER, George M.

FOWLER, George M. Thatcham, Berkshire 1863? — 19??. British Civil Servant in Sri Lanka. Assistant Government Agent (1878), then Government Agent for Western Province (1900), finally Colonial Secretary. Retired 1907, 1912 living in Oxford. Publications: “The Paṇikkans of Muchalai”, JRAS-CB8:26, 1883, 13-17 (elephant catchers) .– “Translation of an Inscription at the Temple…

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D’OYLY, John

D’OYLY, John. 6.6.1774 — Kandy 25.5.1824. Sir, first Bart. of Kandy. British Civil Servant in Sri Lanka. Son of Matthias D’Oyly, Archdeacon of Hastings, and his wife Mary, educated at Westminster School. Studies at Cambridge (Corpus Christi), graduated 1796. In 1801 joined C.C.S. as writer, during a tenure at Matara…

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CLEGHORN, Hugh. Fife 1751/52 — ?.2.1836. British (Scottish) Civil Servant in Sri Lanka. High School in Edinburgh 1762-63. In 1773-93 Professor of Civil and Natural History at St.Andrews University, in 1788-90 interrupted by a long tour around Central Europe. In 1795 went to India and Ceylon with comte de Meuron.…

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CAVE, Henry W.

CAVE, Henry William. Brackley, Northamptonshire 23.2.1854 — Brighton, Sussex 28.10.1913. British Author, Photographer and Publisher. Son of William Cave and Louisa Wilson. Studied at Magdalen College School, and Queen’s College, Oxford (M.A. 188?). Came to Ceylon in 1872 and worked as secretary to Archbishop of Colombo. In 1876 founded a…

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CAPPER, John. Lambeth, Surrey 29.9.1814 — Fulham, Middlesex 31.3.1898. British Journalist and Writer in Sri Lanka. Son of Benjamin Pitts C. and Maria Margaret Bessell. In 1837 he joined a coffee wholesale business and was sent to Ceylon. He was interested in journalism and in 1840 founded short-lived (to 1842)…

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BURROWS, Stephen Montagu

BURROWS, Stephen Montagu. Headington, Oxfordshire 26.12.1856 — Oxford 4.3.1935. Sir. British Civil Servant in Sri Lanka. Son of Montagu B., Professor of Naval History, and Mary Anna Whalley-Smythe-Gardiner. Educated at Eton, studies at Exeter College, Oxford. B.A. 1879, M.A. 1884. In 1880 joined Ceylon C.S. Mainly served in judicial and revenue…

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WHITE, Herbert

WHITE, Herbert. 25.8.1857 — 19??. Civil Servant in Sri Lanka (from 1879). Acting District Judge of Ratnapura (1884). Also mentioned as Government Agent in Badulla and Uva, and as the Acting Mayor and Chairman of the Municipal Council of Colombo (1900). Retired before 1919. Publications: Articles on Sinhalese in The Orientalist 1, 1884…

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WALL, George

WALL, George. North Shields, Northumberland 22.12.1820 — London 16.12.1894. British Merchant, Coffee Planter, Politician, amateur Astronomer, Botanist and Humanitarian in Sri Lanka. Son of George Wall, a Methodist Minister, and Ann Lytham, educated at Harrow. Worked in an engineering firm, in 1846 left for Ceylon because of health problems. Worked…

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