RYDER, Arthur W.

RYDER, Arthur William. Oberlin, Ohio 8.3.1877 — Berkeley 21.3.1938. U.S. Indologist. Professor in Berkeley. Son of merchant William Henry Ryder (1842–1918) and Mary Elizabeth Bushnell (1844–1878). Began studies at Ann Arbor, but graduated 1894 from Phillips Academy in Andover, Mass., then studies at Harvard (A.B. 1897, under Lanman) and in…

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ROADARMEL, Gordon Charles. Kharagpur, West Bengal 2.2.1932 — Berkeley 15.6.1972. U.S. Indologist (Hindi Scholar). Son of missionary parents, grew up in India, educated in Mussoorie (graduated from Woodstock School). In 1948 came to U.S.A., studied at Wooster College, Ohio (B.A. 1954 in English). After one year at Chicago Theological Seminary…

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LESSING, Ferdinand D.

LESSING, Ferdinand Dietrich. Essen-Altenessen 26.2.1882 — Berkeley 31.12.1961. German Sinologist and Central Asian Scholar in the U.S.A. U.S. citizen 1946. Professor in Berkeley. Gymnasium in Lingen, matriculated in 1902. Studies of Chinese and Russian in Berlin (diplom 1905), guided by F. W. K. Müller. From 1907 on spent 17 years…

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HENNING, Walter Bruno

HENNING, Walter Bruno. Raging, Ostpreussen (now Neman in Russia) 26.8.1908 — Berkeley, Calif. 8.1.1967. German Iranian Scholar in the U.K. and U.S.A. Professor in London and Berkeley. Son of the local land registry director. Grew up in Köslin, Pomerania (now Koszalin in Poland), as child often ill. Originally studied mathematics…

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DALES, George F., Jr

DALES, George Franklin, Jr. Akron, Ohio 13.8.1927 — Berkeley 18.4.1992. U.S. Archaeologist. Professor in Berkeley. In 1945-48 served in marine corps in China, then studied  at University of Akron (B.A. 1953 in Classical studies) and University of Pennsylvania (Ph.D. 1960 in Near Eastern Archaeology). In 1960-63 he was Assistant Curator…

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