KROEBER, Alfred L.

KROEBER, Alfred Louis. Hoboken, NJ 11.6.1876 — Paris 9.10.1960. U.S. Cultural Anthropologist and Linguist. Son of German immigrants, Florence Kr. and Anna Müller, grew up in New York City. Studies at Columbia College (B.A. 1896 in English, M.A. 1897 in Romantic drama). PG studies of anthropology under Franz Boas at…

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CHRÉTIEN, Charles Douglas

CHRÉTIEN, Charles Douglas. 1904 — Berkeley 3.11.1969. U.S. Linguist. Studies at Hamilton College (A.B. and A.M.), then three years Instructor there. Graduate studies at Harvard, A.M. 1931 and Ph.D. 1932. From 1931 Instructor at Berkeley and, after interruption caused by war (he served in Navy in the Pacific), from 1951…

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STEPHENS, Henry Morse. Edinburgh 3.10.1857 — Berkeley 16.4.1919. British Historian in the U.S.A. Professor in Berkeley. Educated at Haileybury College, studies at Balliol College, Oxford (B.A. 1880, M.A. 1892). Lecturer in Indian History at Cambridge, 1892-94. Emigrated to the U.S.A., from 1894 Professor of Modern European and English History at Cornell…

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NAKAMURA, Susumu Winston

NAKAMURA, Susumu Winston. California 17.3.1908 — Berkeley 15.6.1989. U.S. Buddhist Scholar. M.A. Studied Tibetan at Berkeley under Lessing (M.A.), but never completed his Ph.D. Taught Japanese as Lecturer at Universities of Colorado (in Boulder, during WW II) and Berkeley. Married Fumie Yancgisana, at least one son. Publications: “Pradakshina, a Buddhist…

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PENZL, Herbert

PENZL, Herbert. Neufelden, Oberösterreich 2.9.1910 — Oakland 1.9.1995. Austrian Linguist in the U.S.A., naturalised 1944. Professor in Berkeley. After gymnasium in Ottakring (Vienna) studied English philology at Vienna. With a scholarship (recommended by S. Freud) went to the U.S.A. and was in 1932-34 Editorial Assistant in the Linguistic Atlas of…

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MANDELBAUM, David Goodman. Chicago 22.8.1911 — Berkeley 19.4.1987. U.S, Anthropologist. Studies at Northwestern University (B.A. 1932). Ph.D. 1936 Yale, under E. Sapir. After a short time at University of Minnesota in war service in South-East Asia. From 1946 Associate Professor, then Professor and chairman of Anthropology Dept. at University of…

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SAUNDERS, Kenneth J.

SAUNDERS, Kenneth James. Cape Town 10.1.1882 — 1937. British (?) Missionary and Buddhist Scholar in Sri Lanka and India, finally in the U.S.A. Studies at Cambridge (Emmanuel College): B.A. 1905, M.A. 1912. In 1908-12 Vice-Principal of Trinity College in Kandy. From 1913 Principal of Y.M.C.A. College in Calcutta, also Literary…

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WOLFENDEN, Stuart N. 1889 — 28.12.1938 (when 47). U.S. Tibeto-Burman Linguist. At University of California, Berkeley. Wolfenden was one of the pioneers of  comparative Tibeto-Burman linguistics. Publications: Outlines of Tibeto-Burman Linguistic Morphology with special reference to the prefixes, infixes and suffixes of classical Tibetan and the languages of the Kachin, Bodo,…

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WHEELER, Benjamin Ide

WHEELER, Benjamin Ide. Randolph, Mass. 15.7.1854 — Vienna, Austria 3.5.1927. U.S. Classical and IE Scholar. Son of Benjamin Wheeler, a Baptist priest, and Mary E. Ide. Studies at Brown University 1871-75 (A.B. 1875, A.M. 1878), instructor at the same 1879-81. In 1881-85 further studies in Germany: Leipzig, Heidelberg, Jena, and…

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RYDER, Arthur W.

RYDER, Arthur William. Oberlin, Ohio 8.3.1877 — Berkeley 21.3.1938. U.S. Indologist. Professor in Berkeley. Son of William Henry R. and Mary Elizabeth Bushnell (d. 1878). Began studies at Ann Arbor, but graduated 1894 from Phillips Academy in Andover, Mass., then studies at Harvard (A.B. 1897, under Lanman) and in 1898-1901…

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