DE GUBERNATIS, Angelo. Turin 7.4.1840 — Rome 26.12.1913. Count. Italian Indologist. Professor in Florence and Rome. Born in a noble family, son of Giambattista De G., a revenue official, and Maria Cleofe Turchetti; his brother was the diplomat and geographer Enrico De G. (1836–1914), his sister the educator Teresia De…

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CIARDI-DUPRÉ, Giuseppe. Florence 13.9.1875 — 1953. Italian Linguist. Docent of IE comparative grammar at the R. Istituto di Studi Superiori in 1905-12, from 1912 Professor of “storia comparata delle lingue classiche” at Padua University, then at Catania and finally at Florence. Married with Teresa Vandoni, at least one son. Publications:…

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BELLONI-FILIPPI, Ferdinando. Buti near Pisa 7/17.7.1877 — Florence 24.1. 1960. Italian Indologist. Professor in Florence and Pisa. A student of Pullé and Formichi, graduated in 1901 at Pisa. From 1904 libera docenza in filologia sanscrita at Pisa, taught 1905-09. In 1909 further studies of German and Sanskrit (Jacobi) at Bonn.…

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