PORRU, Giulia

PORRU, Giulia. 1913 — 2000 (?). Italian Linguist. Studies at Florence, i.a. under Devoto. Ph.D. 1937 Florence, PD in glottologia 1943. From 1946 Professore indaricato di filologia Germanica at Florence, also taught general linguistics. She was the first Italian to show interest in phonology. Publications: “I verbi della VII classe dell’antico…

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MANTEGAZZA, Paolo. Monza, Lombardy 31.10.1831 — San Terenzo, Lerici, Liguria 28.8.1910. Italian Physician, Author and Traveller, also a Darwinian Anthropologist. Studies at Pisa and Milano. Worked as physician in Milano, the Professor of Pathology at Pavia, from 1870 Professor of Anthropology at Florence, finally member of the Italian Senate. He…

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SULPIZI, Giuseppe

SULPIZI, Giuseppe. Città della Pieve, Perugia 17.10.1875 — 19??. Italian Scholar. Professor at Florence (Istituto Superiore di Firenze). Still active in 1911. Sources: Translated: L’idillio di Tapati e Samvarana à un episodio leggiadrissimo del Mahábhárata. 7+10 p. Florence 1898. Sources: Rivista Bibliografica Italiana 4, 1899, 64.

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SCERBO, Francesco

SCERBO, Francesco. Marcellinara (Catanzaro) 7.10.1849 — 13.10.Rome 1927. Italian Linguist and Oriental (Hebrew & Sanskrit) Scholar. Professor in Florence. Of modest origin. From 1863 studies at seminary of Nicastro. Ordained priest 1873. Continued his studies at Florence concentrating on Semitics, but also took Sanskrit under De Gubernatis. Dottore in lettere.…

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PUINI, Carlo

PUINI, Carlo. Leghorn 29.5.1839 — Florence 4.6.1924. Italian Sinologist and Buddhist Scholar. Professor in Florence. Studied Chinese, Japanese, Tibetan and Mongolian. From 1877 eo. and from 1883 ord. Professor of East Asian history and geography at R. Istituto Superiore di Firenze. Retired in 1921. Specially interested in the history of…

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PAVOLINI, Paolo Emilio

PAVOLINI, Paolo Emilio. Leghorn 10.7.1864 — Quattordio 15.9.1942. Italian Indologist. Professor in Florence. Son of Giovanni P., a teacher, and Lidia (or Lida) Vanneschi. Studied in 1883-86 at Pisa (under Teza), graduated 1886 with diss. on Homeric names and epithets. In 1889-91 further studies at Berlin (Weber & Pischel) From…

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BELLONI-FILIPPI, Ferdinando. Buti near Pisa 7/17.7.1877 — Florence 24.1. 1960. Italian Indologist. Professor in Florence and Pisa. A student of Pullé and Formichi, graduated in 1901 at Pisa. From 1904 libera docenza in filologia sanscrita at Pisa, taught 1905-09. In 1909 further studies of German and Sanskrit (Jacobi) at Bonn.…

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