KIRSTE, Johann

KIRSTE, Johann Otto Ferdinand. Graz 1.10.1851 — Graz 2.5.1920. Austrian Indologist. Professor in Graz. Son of a ropemaker master Johann Martin K. in a Calvinist family originally coming from Posen, and Antoinette Hieronymus. In 1870-72 studies of classical philology and a little Sanskrit at Graz (under Schenkl). After brief periods…

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CLOSS, Alois

CLOSS, Alois. Neumarkt in Steiermark 27.10.1893 — Graz 10.1.1984. Austrian Iranian Scholar. Librarian in Graz. Son of Alois Closs, a court official, and Rosa Halm, elder brother the Germanist August Closs (1898–1990). Educated in Graz, 1911-15 studies of theology at Graz (Dr.theol.), ordained 1916. In 1916-21 minister and teacher of…

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BRANDENSTEIN, Wilhelm. Salzburg 23.10.1898 — Graz 1.12.1967. Austrian Indo-Iranian and Indoeuropean Scholar. Professor in Graz. Son of an official, educated in Salzburg. In 1915 as a voluntary to the army, 1918 disbanded as lieutenant. From 1918 studied at Innsbruck classical philology (under Kalinka & Jüthner), IE (Walde, Reichelt), philosophy (F.…

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