GALTON, Herbert

GALTON, Herbert (until 1947 H. Goldstaub). Vienna 1.10.1917 — Vienna 9.12.2004. Austrian Linguist in the U.K. and U.S.A. Born of Polish Jewish parents from Lemberg (L’viv). School and from 1935 studies at Vienna (Slavic under Trubetzkoy, also Sanskrit under Geiger). In 1938 escaped to the Netherlands, then 1939 to U.K. Soon…

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BOWERS, Faubion

BOWERS, Faubion. Miami, Oklahoma 29.1.1917 — New York City 17.11.1999. U.S. Japanologist. Grew up in Tulsa. Graduated 1935 from Columbia University and 1939 from Juilliard Graduate School of Music as concert pianist. In 1940-41 taught at Hosei University in Tokyo now turned to Japanology. From 1945 General MacArthur’s Japanese interpreter…

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