SHARPE, Eric John. Lancaster 19.9.1933 — Sydney 19.10.2000. British Scholar of Comparative Religion in Australia. Born in a working class family, educated in Lancaster. In his teens became close to Methodist church and began studies at Hartley Victoria College in Manchester to become minister, but turned to History of Religions…

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RADCLIFFE-BROWN, Alfred Reginald

RADCLIFFE-BROWN, Alfred Reginald (born A. R. Brown). Sparkbrook, Birmingham 17.1.1881 — London 24.10.1955. British Anthropologist. Son of Alfred Brown (d.1886), a manufacturer’s clerk, and Hannah Radcliffe. Educated in Birmingham, from 1901 studies at Cambridge (Trinity College: B.A. 1905, M.A. 1909, under W. H. R. Rivers, Fellow of College 1908-14). Anthropological…

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