JOHNSON, Edwin Lee

JOHNSON, Edwin Lee. Mount Vernon, Ill. 25.10.1874 — 1947.  U.S. Linguist. Son of Adam Clarke Johnson and Margaret Ann Sweeney. High School in Oxford, Miss. Studied at Mississippi University (A.B. 1894) and Vanderbilt University (A.M. 1900). Ph.D. 1910 Vanderbilt. Taught Latin and Greek at Quitman College, Ark. in 1896-98, Instructor…

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TOLMAN, Herbert C.

TOLMAN, Herbert Cushing. South Scituate, MA 4.11.1865 — Nashville, TN 24.11.1923. U.S. Philologist, specialized in Greek and Old Persian. Professor in Nashville. Son of James T., a tack manufacturer, and Mary T. Briggs. Graduated 1884 from Rockland High School. Studies at Yale (A.B. 1888). Ph.D. 1890 Yale. Mainly a classicist,…

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KING, Winston L.

KING, Winston Lee. Avilla, Ind. 30.8.1907 — Madison, Wisc. 15.2.1975. U.S. Scholar of Com­parative Religion. Methodist priest. Born in a farm, son of Alfred Hiram K. and Alberta Bodenhafer. Educated at Ashburry College (A.B. 1929), Andover Newton Theological Seminar (B.D. 1936) and Harvard (S.M.T. 1938). Ph.D. 1940 Harvard. After four…

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