LYSEBETH, André van

LYSEBETH, André van. Brussels 11.10.1919 — Perpignan 28.1.2004  (France). Belgian Yoga Instructor and Author. From 1949 pupil of Swami Sivananda (whom he only met in person in 1963). Married, children. Publications: Tantra, le culte de la féminité. 1988; English transl. Tantra: the cult of the feminine. 13+386 p. York Beach,…

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TEPLITZ, David. 1923 — Terra Linda 21.5.1994. U.S. Yoga Teacher. From Chicago. M.A. Northwestern University in music. Ph.D. American Academy for Asian Studies. A disciple of Ramana Maharshi, Sanskrit and Yoga teacher. Taught Sanskrit and meditation techniques at California Institute of Asian Studies. Played bass, 23 years teacher of music…

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BAHM, Archie John

BAHM, Archie John. Imlay, Michigan 21/22.8.1907 — Albuquerque, New Mexico 12.3.1996.U.S. Philosopher. Son of John Samuel Bahm and Lena Kohn. B.A. 1929 Albion College, Michigan. BothonWikipedia and Prabook explain that he was “Acting Chair of the University of New Mexico’s Department of Philosophy from 1954 to 1955 and again from…

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RIEKER, Hans-Ulrich

RIEKER, Hans-Ulrich. 1.2.1920 — 26.10.1979. German Bauddha and Student of Yoga. Originally an actor. Studies of Yoga under a Guru in India, where he went in 1950. Ordained as Buddhist monk in 1952 at Anagarika Govinda’s Arya Maitreya Mandala and founded its Berlin branch. He was then its leader until…

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QUILES, Ismael

QUILES Sánchez, Ismael. Pedralba, Valencia 4.7.1906 — Buenos Aires 8.2.1993. S.J. Spanish Oriental Scholar in Argentina. Son of Rosendo Quiles Server and Marcela Sánchez Calduch. In 1918-22 studies at seminary of Valencia, in 1922 joined S.J. Then further studies at Jesuit College in Zaragoza. Ph.D. 1930 Colegio Máximo de San…

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WOODS, James Haughton

WOODS, James Haughton. Boston 27.11.1864 — Tokyo 14.1.1935. U.S. Indologist. Professor in Cambridge MA. Son of Joseph Wheeler Woods and Caroline Fitz. Studies at Harvard (A.B. 1887) and Cambridge Theological Seminary. Further studies at Berlin in 1889-91, Oxford 1891 and Strassburg 1894-97. Ph.D. 1896 Strassburg. Teaching at Harvard: from 1891…

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MASSON-OURSEL, Paul Louis. Paris 5.9.1882 — Paris 17.3.1956. French Indologist. Studied Indology (Foucher and Lévi), philosophy (Bergson) and sociology (Durkheim and Mauss), also some Chinese (Chavannes). Agrégé 1906, Ph.D. 1923. Participated in WW I as sergeant. From 1919 chargé de conférences, from 1927 Directeur d’études at É.P.H.É., sciences religieuses, in…

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MARKUS, Paul. 18?? — 1???. German Student of Indology. Ph.D. 1886 Leipzig. His is one of the few Indological dissertations printed in German Fraktur type. Publications: Diss. Die Yoga-Philosophie nach dem Rājamārtaṇḍa dargestellt. 70 p. Halle 1886. Sources: Diss. in Janert; diss. as the only work in Ges.Vz. (no life…

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LINDQUIST, Carl Sigurd. Ugglum, Skaraborgs län 12.6.1895 — 11.8.1943. Swedish Indologist and Scholar of Religion. Son of Johan Leonard L., a farmer, and Ida Maria Westerling. After school in Uppsala, from 1914 studies at Uppsala. Fil.kand. 1915, Teol.kand. 1918, Fil.lic. 1920 (under K. F. Johansson), Ph.D. 1932 Uppsala. Ordained as…

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JANÁČEK, Adolf. Prelau (now Přerov, Olomouc region) 11.6.1901 — Prague 17.7.1963. Czechoslovakian Indologist. Ph.D. School-teacher (professor) teaching Czech and German. Publications: “František Čupr a Schopenhauer”, Česká mysl 1/25, 1929, 12-27. – “The Methodical Principle in Yoga according to Patañjali’s Yoga-Sūtras”, ArO 19, 1951, 514-567; “The ‘voluntaristic’ Type of Yoga in…

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