TEPLITZ, David. 1923 — Terra Linda 21.5.1994. U.S. Yoga Teacher. From Chicago. M.A. Northwestern University in music. Ph.D. American Academy for Asian Studies. A disciple of Ramana Maharshi, Sanskrit and Yoga teacher. Taught Sanskrit and meditation techniques at California Institute of Asian Studies. Played bass, 23 years teacher of music…

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BAHM, Archie John

BAHM, Archie John. Imlay, Michigan 21/22.8.1907 — Albuquerque, New Mexico 12.3.1996.U.S. Philosopher. Son of John Samuel Bahm and Lena Kohn. B.A. 1929 Albion College, Michigan. BothonWikipedia and Prabook explain that he was “Acting Chair of the University of New Mexico’s Department of Philosophy from 1954 to 1955 and again from…

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WOODS, James Haughton

WOODS, James Haughton. Boston 27.11.1864 — Tokyo 14.1.1935. U.S. Indologist. Professor in Cambridge MA. Son of Joseph Wheeler Woods and Caroline Fitz. Studies at Harvard (A.B. 1887) and Cambridge Theological Seminary. Further studies at Berlin in 1889-91, Oxford 1891 and Strassburg 1894-97. Ph.D. 1896 Strassburg. Teaching at Harvard: from 1891…

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LINDQUIST, Carl Sigurd. Ugglum, Skaraborgs län 12.6.1895 — 11.8.1943. Swedish Indologist and Scholar of Religion. Son of Johan Leonard L., a farmer, and Ida Maria Westerling. After school in Uppsala, from 1914 studies at Uppsala. Fil.kand. 1915, Teol.kand. 1918, Fil.lic. 1920 (under K. F. Johansson), Ph.D. 1932 Uppsala. Ordained as…

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JANÁČEK, Adolf. Prelau (now Přerov, Olomouc region) 11.6.1901 — Prague 17.7.1963. Czechoslovakian Indologist. Ph.D. School-teacher (professor) teaching Czech and German. Publications: “František Čupr a Schopenhauer”, Česká mysl 1/25, 1929, 12-27. – “The Methodical Principle in Yoga according to Patañjali’s Yoga-Sūtras”, ArO 19, 1951, 514-567; “The ‘voluntaristic’ Type of Yoga in…

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HAUER, Jakob Wilhelm

HAUER, Jakob Wilhelm. Kitzingen, Kr. Leonberg, Württemberg 4.4.1881 — Tübingen 18.2.1962. German Indologist. Professor in Tübingen. Son of a master plasterer, Jakob Hauer, and Gottliebin Maier, in a Pietist family. After elementary school learned his father’s craft, but went in 1900 to the mission school of Basel. In 1907 to…

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ELIADE, Mircea

ELIADE, Mircea. Bucharest 9.3.1907 (his own, others say rather 13.3., Old Era 28.2.) — Chicago 22.4.1986. Romanian Scholar of Comparative Religion in the U.S.A. Son of Gheorghe E., a captain in the Romanian army, and Ioana Stoenescu (Jeana Vasilescu?). The father had changed his original family name, Ieremia, in honour…

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DEKKER, Gerbrand

DEKKER, Gerbrand Jan. Westzaan, North Holland 7.10.1882 — 1964. Dutch Orientalist and Scholar of Religion in Switzerland. Son of Klaas D. and Clazina Fortanier. Ph.D. Private scholar living in Meilen near Zürich. Married with Ellen. Publications: Die Rückwendung zum Mythos: Schellings letzte Wandlung. 220 p. Munich 1930. – “Der Kundalinī-Yoga.…

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CYBORAN, Leon. Cracow 30.8.1928 — Warsaw 8.6.1977. Polish Indologist. Professor in Lublin. Born in Cracow, moved in 1946 to Wrocław. Studied philosophy at Wrocław in 1948-52. In the age of 26 lived at a monastery, but never gave vows. He had early become interested in Yoga, and studied then Indology…

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BERNARD, Theos Casimir Hamati. Los Angeles 10.12.1908 — Kosar, Pakistan ?.9.1947. U.S. Bauddha and Yogi. Son of Glen Agassiz B. and Aura Crable, nephew of the yogi Pierre Arnold Baker (1875–1955). Graduated from the University of Arizona Law School (L.L.B. 1931) and Columbia University (M.A. 1936 in Philosophy). Prompted by…

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