BARADIJN, Badzar Baradinevič

BARADIJN, Badzar Baradinevič. v Mogojtuj Aginsk. ajmaka 16.6.(28.6.)1878 — 24.8.1937. Russian (Buryat) Buddhist, Tibetan and Mongolian scholar. Born in a herder family. Graduated 1905 at St.Petersburg. In 1905-07 further studies in Tibet. In 1908-17 taught at Oriental Faculty, St.Petersburg, then 1917-23 at intermediate school in Ulan-Ude. In 1923-35 chairman of Committee of Education, also 1923-26 Commissar of Education, 1929-30 member of Buryatian Executive Central Committee and 1932-35 Director of Pedagogical Institute. In 1935-37 nayčnyj sotrudnik of Soviet Oriental Institute. Took active part in the development of Buryatian literary language in Cyrillic. Arrested in February 1937, sent to camp and executed. Rehabilitated in 1958.

Publications: C. 30 publications.

Translated from Tibetan: Statuja Majtreji v Zolotom hrame v Lavrane. 68 p. Bibl. Buddh. Petrograd 1924.

– “Besedy buddijskih monahov”, Sbornik Muzeja antropologiii i ètnografii 5, 1925, 631-656.

– “Buddijskie monastyri”, M. N. Bogdanov (ed.), Očerki istorii burjat-mongol’skogo naroda. Verhneudinsk 1926, 108-151, republ. in Buddizm v Rossija. St.P. 1992, 61-116.

Kratkoe rukovodstvo po grammatike i grafitike novogo burjat-mongol’skogo jazyka. 78 p. Verhne­udinsk 1931; Russko-burjatskij terminologičeskij slovar’ po jazyku i literature. 195 p. Ulan-Ude 1935.

Sources: Miliband, Suppl. 1997; Vasil’kov & Sorokina 2003 (with photo).

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