BULIČ, Sergej Konstantinovič

BULIČ, Sergej Konstantinovič. St.Petersburg (Vikip. Kazan) 27.8.(8.9.)1859 — Petrograd 15.4.1921. Russian Linguist. Professor in St.Petersburg. Born in a noble family originating from Kazan Government. Orthodox. Educated in 1870-78 at gymnasium in Kazan, then 1878-84 studied Linguistics, Sanskrit, and Slavic philology at Kazan University (under Baudouin de Courtenay and Kruševskij), wrote his M.A. diss. on Lusatian. M.A. 1884 in Sanskrit and Comparative Linguistics. In spring 1885 Docent at Kazan, in autumn moved to St.Petersburg. Taught Russian in two schools to get his living. In 1887 two years’ scholarship from the Ministry of Education gave him means to study at Berlin (under J. Schmidt, A. Weber, Oldenberg), Jena (Delbrück, Kluge, Schrader, Cappeller), and Leipzig (Böhtlingk, Leskien, Brugmann). In the end of 1888 he returned to Russia and continued his teaching at schools and university. From 1891 eo. Professor of Sanskrit and Comparative Linguistics at St.Petersburg Uni­ver­sity. Married Marija Platonovna (1871–1961), two daughters and one son.

Bulič was a linguist, especially Slavist, had a special interest in phonetics, and also wrote on the history of linguistics and of music. For Indology he contributed little.

Publications: Diss. for the Docentship: Zaimstvovannyja slova i ix znače dlja razvitija jazyka; Germanskoe peredviženie soglasnyh. Manuscript 1885, parts publ. later separately; much on Linguistics and Slavistics, reviews.

After 1891 wrote many encyclopaedia articles on linguistics and Indology.

Cerkovnoslavjanskie èlementy v sovremennom literaturnom i narodnom russkom jazyk. 1-. 1894-.

Očerk istorii jazukoznanii v Rossii. 1. XIII v. – 1825. 11+1248 p. St.P. 1904.

Sources: Biogr. slovar’ St.Petersb. Univ. 1, 1896, 99-101; Bol’šaja sovetskaja Ènciklopedija s.v.; *Russian Vikipedija with photo.

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