SITTIG, Ernst. Berlin 1.2.1887 — Tübingen 25.12.1955. German Linguist and Classical Scholar. Professor in Tübingen. Educated in Berlin, studies at Jena, Berlin and Halle. Ph.D. 1911 Halle. In WW I served in the decipherment department of the army and in 1919-24 continued same work in Foreign Ministry. PD 1923 Berlin, of Slavic and Comparative Linguistics, also taught at a gymnasium. In 1926-29 ord. Professor at Königsberg, then Professor of Comparative Linguistics at Tübingen, until 1945 also taught Slavistics. In 1933 joined NSDAP, in WW II again worked in decipherment. Known as a specialist of Etruscan, he later turned his attention to the decipherment of Mycenaic and Minoan.
Publications: Diss. De Graecorum nominibus Theophoris. 11+169 p. Halis Sax. 1911.
– Wrote on Greek, Etruscan, Lithuanian, Slavic, Minoan, etc.
Sources: German Wikipedia.
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