SMIRNOVA, Ol’ga Ivanovna

SMIRNOVA, Ol’ga Ivanovna. Petergof (Petrodvorec) 14.(27.)6.1910 — 13.1. 1982. Russian Central Asian (Sogdian) Scholar and Historian. Daughter of an officer. Graduated 1934 from Leningrad as student of Frejman. Kand. filol. nauk 1945. Employed in 1934-35 in Numismatic Department of Hermitage, then 1935–82 naučnyj sotrudnik (1948 staršij n. s.) at Oriental Institute, Academy of Science, Leningrad.

Publications: At least 80 items, e.g.:

Kand.diss. Sogdijskij numismatičeskij material kak istočnik istorii Srednej Azii predislamskogo perioda. Manuscript of 160 p., n.d.; summary publ. in Sov. vostokov. 6, 1949, 356-367.

Articles on Sogdian numismatics in Èpigrafika Vostoka 4, 1951, 3.23; 6, 1952, 3-45; 10, 1955, 3-13; 15, 1963, 58-72; Izv. Otd. obšč. nauk, Tadž. AN 14, 1957, 115-135.

Katalog monet s gorodišča Pendžikent. Materialy 1949–1956 gg. 174 p. M. 1963.

With M. N. Bogoljubov: Xozjajstevnnye dokumenty. 130 p. Sogdijskie dokumenty s gory Mug 3. M. 1963.

Očerki iz istorii Sogda. 288 p. M. 1970.

Sources: Miliband, 1977, 1995; *Russian Vikipedija.

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