SÜTTERLIN, Ludwig. Heidelberg 16.11.1863 — Freiburg i. Br. 3.4.1934. German Linguist. Son of Johann Georg S., a railway official, and Barbara Römmig. Studies at Heidelberg (Osthoff) and Leipzig. Ph.D. 1887 Heidelberg (diss. on Germanic). In 1888-1913 worked as gymnasium teacher. PD 1890 Heidelberg, from 1896 ao. Professor für Germanistik there. In 1913 accepted the chair of comparative linguistics at Freiburg. Emeritus 1924. Married 1914 Eugenie Foehr (1877–1969), one son.
Publications: Hab.diss. Zur geschichte der verba denominativa im altgriechischen. I. Die verba denominativa auf -άω -έω -όω. 128 p. Strassburg 1891.
– “Etymologisches Allerlei”, IF 4, 1894, 92-106 (incl. OIA); “‘Mutter Erde’ im Sanskrit”, Archiv f. Rel.wiss. 9, 1906, 533-537; “Die Denominativverba im Altindischen”, IF 19, 1906, 480-577; “Der Schwund von idg. i und u”, IF 25, 1909, 51-76; “Aus meinem Etymologischen Sammelkasten”, IF 29, 1911-12, 122-129.
– Much on German and general linguistics, also on folklore.
Sources: D. Drüll, Heidelberger Gelehrtenlexikon 1803–1932. 794f.; *W. Kuhlmann, Idg. Jb. 20, 1936, 336-343; www.indogermanistik.uni-freiburg.de/seminar/historia.html; findagrave.com; German Wikipedia with photo (from Idg. Jb. 19, 1935); the same photo in TITUS Galeria.
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