THORNTON, Thomas Henry

THORNTON, Thomas Henry. London (?) 1832 (or 13.11.1831?) — Bath 10.3.1913. British Civil Servant in India. Son of a Times journalist, Thomas Thornton, and his wife Elizabeth. Educated at Merchant Taylor’s School, studies at Oxford (St.John’s College, 1855 its Fellow). In 1855 entered I.C.S. as one of the first “competition-wallahs”. Served in the Punjab, participated in 1857 battles. In 1864-76 Secretary to the Punjab Government, 1878-81 Judge of the Punjab Chief Court and member of Governor-General’s Legislative Council, 1879 also Vice-President of Lahore University. Fellow of Calcutta University 1875. In 1881 retired disappointed (when only 49). Living in London, later in Bath. C.S.I. Married 1864 Alfreda Spender (d. 1904).

There must also be an elder Thomas Henry Thornton, who wrote the History of the Punjab and the Rise, Progress and Present Condition of the Sect and the Nation of the Sikhs. 1-2. L. 1846.

Publications: “Specimen Songs from Panjab Literature and Folklore”, JRAS 17, 1885, 373-414.

– “Baluchistan and the ‘New Indian Province’”, Asiatic Quarterly Review 1888, 30 p.; some further articles and reviews.

Colonel Sir Robert Sandeman: His Life and Work on Our Indian Frontier. A Memoir, with Selections from His Correspondence and Official Writings. 24+392 p. L. 1895.

General Sir Richard Meade and the Feudatory States of Central and Southern India: A Record of Forty-three Year’s Service as Soldier, Political Officer and Administrator. 26+390 p. L. 1898.

Sources: Buckland, Dictionary; H. M. Durand, JRAS 1913, 739-742; Wikipedia;

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