CACELLA, Estevão. Aviz/Evora 1585 — Shigatse 6.3.1630. S.J. Portuguese Missionary in India and Ladakh. Joined the S.J. in 1604, left for India in 1614. Served first in Malabar mission in Cochin, in 1626 he was sent together with —> J. Cabral to Shigatse (arrived in 1627 via Bhutan), where he then remained until his death despite health problems.
Publications: “Father Estevao Cacella’s report on Bhutan in 1627”, translated by Luiza Maria Baillie, Journal of Bhutan Studies 1, 1999, 1-35 (link in Wikipedia); a few further letters extant.
Sources: Koch, Jesuiten-Lexikon; Wessels 1924, 100ff.; Wikipedia.
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