WESTPHAL-HELLBUSCH, Sigrid. Rendsburg 10.6.1915 — Oldenburg 1.2.1984. German Anthropologist. Professor in Berlin. Daughter of engineer (DI) Erwin Hellbusch and Martha Philippi, school in Berlin. From 1935 studied Anthropology, Geography and Psychology at Berlin. Ph.D. 1940. Then worked at Staatliches Museum für Völkerkunde 1940-45. PD 1946 Berlin (Humboldt University), in 1951-53 Professor there. She was living in West Berlin and in 1953 left the East German university. Then she was PD from 1956, apl. Professor 1959 and from 1964 ord. Professor of Ethnology at Freie Universität Berlin, until 1970, from 1970 Director of West Asian Department of Museum für Völkerkunde in Berlin. Field-work in Iraq 1955/56 (Ma‘dan in Euphrates-Tigris delta), in Pakistan 1961/62 (Indus delta), and in India 1963/64 (Cutch), short expeditions also to several other Asian and North African countries. Retired 1976, spent her last years in Oldenburg and died after long illness. In fieldwork she collaborated with her husband —> Heinz Westphal (married 1953, d. 1984) who was also the photographer of the team.
Publications: Diss. 1940 on the hunting practices of native Australians, habdiss. Der Totemismus der Buschmännern. Manuscript 1946.
– With H. Westphal: Die Ma’dan. Kultur und Geschichte der Menschenbewohner im Süd-Iraq. 355 p. B. 1962; other writings.
– With H. Westphal: The Jat of Pakistan. 110 p. Forschungen zur Ethnologie und Sozialpsychologie 5. B. 1964; Zur Geschichte und Kultur der Jat. 367 p. Forsch. zur Ethnol. und Sozialps. 7. B. 1968.
– “Kutch – als Beispiel einer Inselkultur”, Sociologus N.F. 15, 1965, 1-22; “Einige Besonderheiten der Kleidung der Jat am unteren Sind (Indus-Delta) und in Kutch”, Baessler-Archiv N.F. 13 (38), 1965, 402-431, 40 fig.; “Die Verehrung von Pferd und Reiter im Nordwesten der Indischen Subkontinents”, Baessler-Archiv N.F. 19 (44), 1971, 1-28, 30 fig.; “Zur Geschichte des Museums. Hundert Jahre Museum für Völkerkunde Berlin”, Baessler-Archiv N.F. 21 (46), 1973, 1-99, 33 fig.
– With H. Westphal: Hinduistische Viehzüchter im nord-westlichen Indien. 1. Die Rabari. 358 p. Forsch. zur Ethnol. und Sozialpsych. 8. B. 1974; 2. Die Bharvad und die Charan. 262 p. Ibid. 9. B. 1976.
– With Gisela Soltkahn: Mützen aus Zentralasien und Persien. 348 p. 166 ill. Veröff. Mus. Völkerk. N.F. 32. B. 1976 (catalogue).
– “Randgruppen im Nahen und Mittleren Osten”, Baessler-Archiv N.F. 28 (53), 1980, 1-59, 47 fig.
Sources: Brief note in German Scholars on India. 1973, 423f.; G. Dombrowski, Z. für Ethnol. 111, 1986, 1-10 with bibliography and photo; K. Krieger, Baessler-Archiv N.F. 32, 1984; www.germananthropology.com/short-portrait/sigrid-westphal-hellbusch/290 with photo; German Wikipedia.
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