CALMBERG, Ernst Philipp Ludwig. Wasungen, Sachsen-Meiningen 12.4.1794 — Hamburg 29.1.1851. German Schoolteacher and Philologist. Son of a deacon (then minister), educated at village school and Meiningen Lyceum. Studies of theology and philology at Jena. Worked as a tutor and from 1819 as a teacher at Johanneum in Hamburg, where, from 1822 as Professor, he remained until his death. A Lic. theol. was conferred to him in 1830, a dr. philos. in 1844, both by Jena University. In 1824 married Enny Griem, no children. His sincere interest in Sanskrit led him to entirely fantastic etymologies.
Publications: Historia Johannei Hamburgensis. 8+235+14 p. Hamburg 1829, also in German.
– De utilitate quae ex accurata linguae sanscritae cognitione in linguae graecae latinaeque etymologiam redundet, brevis dissertatio. 68 p. Hamburgi 1832 (severely criticized, see Ewald in GGA 1832, 1121-1123, & Pott Jb.f.wiss.Kr. 1832:2, 388f. – “wertlos”).
– Liber Esterae interpretatione latina brevique commentario illustrata. 50 p. Hbg. 1837; Novae editionis Valerii Maximi specimen. 32 p. Hbg. 1844 – these also appeared in Krafts Osterprogr.
Sources: Schröder, Lex. der hamburgischen Schiftsteller 1, 1851 in Deutsches biogr. Archiv.
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