CAMERON, George Glenn

CAMERON, George Glenn. Washington, PA 30.7.1905 — Ann Arbor 14.9.1979. U.S. Historian of ancient Iran. Professor in Ann Arbor. Son of William Byers C. and Elizabeth Smith. Educated in 1923-25 at Washington and Jefferson College, 1925-27 at Muskingum College, New Concord, Ohio (A.B. 1927), then at University of Chicago (1930 A.M., 1932 Ph.D.). In 1930-32 traveling fellow of the Oriental Institute. From 1933 Instructor, until 1945 Assistant Professor, and 1945-48 Associate Professor of Ancient Oriental History at Oriental Institute, University of Chicago. In 1939 epigraphist of Erich Schmidt’s expedition to Persepolis. In 1948-75 Professor of Near Eastern Cultures (and 1948-69 founder and chairman of Department of N.E.C.) at University of Michigan in Ann Arbor. In 1975 emeritus. In 1948-49 headed an expedition to Bisutun. Litt.D. 1952 Muskingum College, New Concord, Ohio, Dr.h.c. 1974 Teheran. Married 1932 Frances Ada Thomas, two sons, widow 1955, 2nd marriage 1956 with Margaret Fairbank Bell, two daughters. A specialist of Iranian history, especially of the Achaemenid period.

Publications: History of Early Iran. 16+260 p. Chicago 1936, French Histoire de l’Iran antique. 1937.

Persepolis Treasury Tablets. 18+214 p. 46 pl. 6 tables. Or. Inst. Publ. 65, Chicago 1948 (114 Elamite tablets studied).

– “Zoroaster the herdsman”, IIJ 10, 1968, 261-281; other articles on Old Persian, Elamite, and history, in AJSL/JNES, etc.

Sources: Short note in IIJ 10, 1968, 319; Bio-bibliogr. de 134 savants. 1979, 68-71; Dir. Am. Sch. 6th ed. 1, 1974; Who Was Who in America 7; *Michigan Oriental Studies in Honor of George G. Cameron, ed. L.L. Orlin, Ann Arbor, Mich. 1976; *M.W. Stolper, Biblical Archaeologist 1980, 183-189; G.L. Windfuhr, Encyclop. Iranica 4, 1990, 741f.; German Wikipedia.

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